1. Insatiable
Impossible to satisfy; voracious
2. Obscure
Hard to see or understand;not well known; vague
3. Oblivious
Unaware; not concerned about what's happening around one
4. Placate
To calm one's anger of;
5. Scoff
To express contempt for; to jeer; to mock
6. Precarious
Dangerously unstable; not securely held or in position
7. Base
Crude; low; without honor or decency; without moral principals
8. Deft
Skillful and quick in one's movements; demonstrating skill and cleverness
9. Herald
An official messenger bringing news; a sign that something is about to happen
10. Lament
To grieve over or regret deeply
11. Squeamish
Easily shocked or sickened
12. Cumbersome
Hard to carry, bear, or manage; large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use
13. Tirade
A long or angry speech of criticism or denunciation
14. Cursory
Quick and not through; hasty so therefore not detailed
15. Animosity
Open hatred; strong hostility
16. Brood
To worry persistently or moodily about something or to fret
17. Bane
A cause of ripping or harm; cause of great distress or annoyance
18. Allay
To lessen or clam; to put at rest; diminish; assuage
19. Expedite
To speed up the process of; to make something happen or to be accomplished more quickly
20. Fickle
Changing frequently one's loyalties, interests, or affection; having changeable or inconstant feelings
21. Query
A question