1st Quarter Extra Pt's
catbtru1 (#2070)
130 Plays

Days of Creation
1. Genesis 1:3-31 (NIV)
Day one God made light. Day and Night
Days of Creation
2. Genesis 1:3-31 (NIV)
Day two God made the sky separating waters below from above.
Days of Creation
3. Genesis 1:3-31 (NIV)
Day three God made the seas and made the land, every plant, and tree
Days of Creation
4. Genesis 1:3-31 (NIV)
Day four God made the stars, moon, and sun
Days of Creation
5. Genesis 1:3-31 (NIV)
Day five God made the birds and fish and creatures of the sea
Days of Creation
6. Genesis 1:3-31 (NIV)
Day six God made land animals and man
Days of Creation
7. Genesis 1:3-31 (NIV)
Day seven God Rested
