Our Identity as Children of God
lakefrontlm (#778)
72 Plays
Our identity comes from the way He sees us, not from the way others see us or the way we see ourselves. Verses come from various translations. I used whichever was more clear each time.

He is mindful of me. - Personalized (using "I").
1. Psalm 8: 3 - 5 (NKJV)
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, What am I that You are mindful of me, and You visit me For You have made me a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned me with glory and honor. Psalm 8 three thru five.
2. 2 Ch 4:16 (NIV)
That's why we are not discouraged. No, even if outwardly we are wearing out, inwardly we are being renewed each and every day. 2Ch-Four-sixteen ISV (International Standard Version)
