history final
en51 (#246)
40 Plays

1. paragraph 1 (NIV)
The city states of Athens and Sparta are similar yet also different. Both Athens and Sparta had an assembly but, they had different ways they would rule. First, Sparta was ruled by two kings until they died or were kicked out of office. Athens on the other hand was ruled by two people named archons. Every few years they held an election for new people to rule. In Sparta, the people valued war and respect. The Spartan men and boys could not get an education because they were forced to join the military as soon as possible. Another way Athens differed from Sparta was the boys could go to school but the girls had to stay home and help at the house. Both of their religions and where they were located were the same. That religion would be polytheism. They were located in the southern part of Greece on the Peloponnesian peninsula.
2. paragraph 2 (NIV)
Alexander the great was an amazing leader and fighter. For years, the Persian Empire threatened the greeks and how they lived. His father died when he was only and Alexander was when he actually passed away. He first claimed his horse Bucephalus by being the only one able to control him. After that in 343 BCE, his father named Philip summoned Aristotle to tutor Alexander. Alexander was so great because he never lost battle or war. He conquered the Achamenid Empire and he also conquered what is now called Pakistan. At the time the Achamenid Empire was % of the world. He started very early in his life but also died very early. He lived from 356 to 323 BCE and died at age . Many people believe he died because of alcoholic poisoning. His wife, Roxana, was murdered in 310 BCE and his son one year later in 311 BCE.
3. paragraph 3 (NIV)
Rome was originally founded by two brothers Romulus and Remus. Without the founding of rome, it would have never became an empire. The results of expansion made many conflicts and wars. Julius Caesar gained power and made a triumvirate that included, Marcus Licinius Crassus and Pompey. The triumvirate ended because of made family deaths or deaths in battle. Caesar’s invasion of Italy made a civil war and he decided to detract his reign as dictator of Rome for life. Caesar was then assassinated by people he disliked. The reign of Augustus Caesar helped keep peace in Rome. Rome turned into an empire because it faced the problems every empire faced, keeping peace, law, and order in balance. Ancient Rome grew from a small town to an empire because of all of these rulers. The empire took up most of Europe, Britain, west Asia, north Africa and the Mediterranean islands.
4. paragraph 4 (NIV)
The Western Roman Empire was the leading empire for about five hundred years until it started crumbling down for many reasons.The first and most known reason was that historians believe Rome fell because of many invasions into their territory. Rome had a few fights with the germans but the barbarian groups were much harder and they couldn’t control them. They were failing from the inside with financial troubles. Because of all the wars and spending to help keep their weapons able to be fought with, they fell in debt and it made the gap between rich and poor even bigger. Some people suggest that adding a different religion took away more traditional parts of belief groups because people from the traditional pagan belief started fighting with people who adopted christianity. The pagan worshipers were hanging any christians they found for their beliefs. This is why the Western Roman Empire fell.
