1. Original Sin
Our total corruption INHERITED form Adam
2. Actual Sin
Any ACT against God's commandments in thought, word and deed
3. Law
God's COMMANDments that we are to follow
4. Gospel
The GOOD NEWS that Jesus has conquered sin, death, and the devil by his death and resurrection
5. Vicarious Atonement
Jesus paid for our sins by dying as our SUBSTITUTE
6. Justification
God declares sinners RIGHTEOUS for Jesus' sake
7. Grace
God's GIFT we don't deserve
8. Means of Grace
The TOOLS that God uses to bring us His grace (Bible, Baptism, Lord's Supper)
9. Faith
God-given assurance that his PROMISES are true
10. Sanctification
The work of the HOLY SPIRIT that enables us to live a godly life