1. Election
Election is the work of god before time in which he freely chose those who will receive the gift of eternal life. this choice is based soley upon gods purpose and pleasure and is completely independent of mans will.
2. The general call
The general call consists in the presentation and offering of salvation in christ to sinners, together with an earnest exhortation to accept christ by faith, in order to obtain forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
3. Regeneration
Regeneration is the instantaneous, supernatural work of god, through his spirit, whereby the spiritually dead sinner is granted the new nature (spiritual life).
4. Repentance
Repentance can be defined as the desire to be delivered from the penalty and power of sin so as to love God.
5. Faith
A non technical term of faith would be that faith is the desire to delight in the deliverance to obedience to christ.
6. Conversion
Conversion is the conscious act of the regenerate person in which he turns away from sin (repentance) and to god (faith) establishing a new relation with god and a new direction in life.
7. Union with christ
Union with christ is the inseparable spiritual bond between the believer and jesus christ in this dispensation, which results from the baptism of the holy spirit. it is to be in christ.
8. Justification
Justification is the gracious act of god by which he judiciously constitutes and declares a believing sinner to be acquitted of all guilt on the basis of christs substitutionary death and to be perfectly righteous on the basis of the righteousness of christ which is credited to him/her,
9. Adoption
Adoption is the legal declaration that one is from that point forward to be cared for and treated as gods child including all the associated blessings and responsibilities.
10. Sanctification
Sanctification is the work of god, involving mans active participation, by which the spiritual life given in regeneration is progressively worked out.
11. Eternal Security
Eternal security is the continuous work of god in which all who are born from above are kept in gods grace until they reach final salvation (glorification).
12. Perseverance
Perseverance is the believers continuation in faith, good works, and sound doctrine which is founded upon gods effectual work in salvation.