7 Plays
1. John 8:6-7 Forsake God= be written in the dust
They were only testing Jesus because they hoped to trap him with his own words and accuse him of breaking the laws of Moses. But Jesus didn’t answer them. Instead he simply bent down and wrote in the dust with his finger. Angry, they kept insisting that he answer their question, so Jesus stood up and looked at them and said, “Let’s have the man who has never had a sinful desire throw the first stone at her.”
2. John 8:10b-11 No condemnation but forgiving love
"Dear woman, where are your accusers? Is there no one here to condemn you?” Looking around, she replied, “I see no one, Lord.” Jesus said, “Then I certainly don’t condemn you either. Go, and from now on, be free from a life of sin.”
3. John 8:12 Light of the world
Jesus said, “I am light to the world and those who embrace me will experience life-giving light, and they will never walk in darkness.”
4. John 8:15-16 Never judge others
For you’ve set yourselves up as judges of others based on outward appearances, but I certainly never judge others in that way. For I discern the truth. And I am not alone in my judgments, for my Father and I have the same understanding in all things, and he has sent me to you.
5. John 8:28-30 Awoke respected Jews to believe
“You will know me as ‘I AM’ after you have lifted me up from the earth as the Son of Man. Then you will realize that I do nothing on my own initiative, but I only speak the truth that the Father has revealed to me. I am his messenger and he is always with me, for I only do that which delights his heart. (Aramaic translation: I only do what adorns and beautifies him.) ” These words caused many respected Jews to believe in him.
6. John 8:49-51 Honor my Father
Jesus replied, “It is not a demon that would cause me to honor my Father. I live my life for his honor, even though you insult me for it. I never have a need to seek my own glory, for the Father will do that for me, and he will judge those who do not. I speak to you this eternal truth: whoever cherishes my words and keeps them will never experience death.”
7. John 8:58-59 Stone the sinless messiah
Jesus said to them, “I give you this eternal truth: I have existed long before Abraham was born, for I AM!” When they heard this, they picked up rocks to stone him, but Jesus concealed himself as he passed through the crowd and went away from there.