Answer of difficult Questions
teen man (#7689)
6 Plays

1. Matthew 5 21 (NIV)
(Enemy) if killing is bad then why did Gods people kill? (You) because it said you will only be in danger of Judgement not already in Judgement
2. Not known (NIV)
(Enemy’s) If someone turns a Christian when committing adultery she can’t escape sin (you) she stays with him forever or till he fornicates.
3. Not known (NIV)
(Enemy) How do you know the Bible’s will (you) what makes faith in your religion (Because Christianity is true none of there religions have clear proof)
4. Confirmed by God saying stuff different from Old Testament (NIV)
(Enemy) It said that you cannot work on the Sabbath but life forces you to do that (you) that’s in the Old Testament law which is replaced by the New Testament law which said you can work on the sabbath
5. None (NIV)
(enemy) the world was not made in -days they scientifically proven it because there time plus ours doesn’t equals the test of how long the world is (you) well how do you know that there time wasn’t Wong? or there days were not different from ours?


teen man (2 years ago)
There will be more in the future