I’m first mu haha I own this one now!
teen man (#7689)
4 Plays

1. Yaaaa (NIVUK)
I guess I could tell you stuff, I love watching YouTube videos and you should check out (on verse rain) “what I want to happen” no one has done it so now me sadddddddd (just so you know I’m bored too death) woohooooo I’m just going to say random things now (I want you ded) muha your health and your heart rate is always better than your life, that was true knowledge right there, my favorite food is funnel cake (fail the rain) I never thought I was going to say that in my entire lifetime. (Ok you might win the verse rain but not yet I like horses I’m alive I have a heart, lung, head, brain, ear, eye, mouth, nose) so I proved I’m alive, ok You reached WIN (are you happy with your self I’m not) you made someone sad! (Im just so E V I L hahaha) ok bye im done now you can say by if you want to ok bye now your turn, . . . No? O well BYE (for real) BYYYYYYYYEEEEEEE phew that was long
