Memory Verse Station
hfbc1730 (#7197)
154 Plays

1. John 3:16 (NIRV)
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.
2. Psalm 8:3 (NIRV)
I think about the heavens. I think about what your fingers have created. I think about the moon and stars that you have set in place.
3. Psalm 139:1 (NIRV)
Lord, you have seen what is in my heart. You know all about me.
4. Ephesians 1:5 (NIRV)
So he decided long ago to adopt us. He adopted us as his children with all the rights children have. He did it because of what Jesus Christ has done. It pleased God to do it.
5. John 16:33 (NIRV)
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
6. Matthew 6:33-34 (NIRV)
But put God’s kingdom first. Do what he wants you to do. Then all those things will also be given to you. So don’t worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will worry about itself.
7. 1 Samuel 2:2 (NIRV)
There isn't anyone holy like the Lord. There isn't anyone except Him. There isn't any Rock like our God.
8. Psalm 66:1-2 (NIRV)
Shout to God for joy, everyone on earth! Sing about the glory of his name! Give him glorious praise!
