Important note’s I have
teen man (#7689)
2 Plays

1. Importants (NIV)
IMPORTANT ONES ========================================================== hate the world , the blue button not the red one, don’t “pick”, be happy to read, think of what to say, TRY to not sin, salt yourself and be happy (mostly) all the time, act like this is your final day before your in heaven , be dedicated, determined, disciplined, and have faith to do something!, all commandments are by loving Everyone and loving God more!, command yourself to do what you know is right!, keep your mind on God (even in hardships)! , don’t doubt yourself! , if it is either, Gods is praised by it, encourages others, or reaches the lost, than it’s a good action! , respect everyone because their important! , don’t make anything a law! , God acts like a Father would act to his son! (you) , have a goal to do in your life! , INSPIRATION TO KEEP ON GOING no problem on earth will be worser than when we get to heaven , pray knowing God is always right besides you , God will deliver you from all evilnesses and pain , come to him when you are burdened , work hard for victory so then, you could rest , every work for God will not go unrewarded! , CHARACTER be pure in heart , love others as you would want to be treated , keep staying in right , always have a thought of only being a learning kid , be wise as serpents and harmless as dove’s , being gentle and meek is always better , always be determined , don’t be lazy , be patient—-, don’t be too comfortable to not change , use your personality to serve God , be dedicated to wanting more , ==========================================================
