1. Making sense out of life
Heavenly father, point us to Jesus Christ, that we put Jesus as center of our lives. Lord Jesus, we do not want to be separated from you in our illusions.We do not want to be spiritually dry because of the lack of purpose and meaning in life. Revive our hearts. Lord, bring us back to the word of God, and through the word of God bring us back to Jesus. Amen
2. The search of fulfillment
Heavenly father, thank you for sending Jesus, he alone is the author of my significance. Lord, nothing in this world satisfies. I thank you because in Jesus I can find my satisfaction. Lord, my life I lift to you. I want my security and identity to be secured in you. Lord, restore that joy of my salvation. Heavenly father, we ask of you that you your grace and your word would speak to our hearts, that we may truly find our joyous significance in earthly, temporal things, but to find our true fulfillment in Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
3. The folly of human wisdom
Heavenly father, in this life we need wisdom. Otherwise, life is meaningless and without purpose. Help us not be like a cruise to nowhere in our lives but let us direct our lives to you. Direct our heart to you. Lord, I have seen the floor of human wisdom. I do not want to be on a cruise to nowhere. Lord, I want your wisdom. Lord, I want you to guide me through your word, because in your word I find wisdom. SPEAK TO OUR HEARTS YOUR DEEP AND PROFOUND WORDS OF WISDOM. show us the meaning of life in Jesus Christ. IN JESUS IS LIFE. IN JESUS IS WISDOM. Because when we have Jesus, we have everything. We thank you for this, Lord. In Jesus' name we pray.
4. Redefining success in life
Heavenly father, thank you for your word. It shows us that you are the true source of our happiness. Because even when death comes, and death is inescapable, and yet IN JESUS CHRIST WE HAVE LIFE. Because your Bible says those who believe in Jesus will have life eternal, so Help us Heavenly father to move away from the trappings of success and help us anchor in the true deep life in Jesus Christ. Amen.
5. Remove obstacles of the life well-lived
Lord, I give my life to you wholly, not a heart with double-love, not a lukewarm heart that offends you, nor a heart that has lost its first love. We give to you our hearts to love you WHOLLY. Heavenly father, we come before you to ask for a heart on fire for you. MAY YOU TOUCH US DEEPLY IN EVERY AREA OF OUR HEARTS, so that we may live well and live wisely. You have taught us afresh that our heart is for loving you. Amen.
6. Called by you
Heavenly father, help us to live life not as a driven person but as a called person. As a called person, we have the calling of God, help us realise you to call us into community. You called us to join our hands together. Because this is a lost world that needs Jesus Christ. It is the time for the church to arise and join hands together. Dear God, I don't want to be a driven person,I want to be called. I recognise from your word that you called us to be united together. Lord, we agree in our hearts. It is the time for us to join hands together. Put aside our differences, our hurts, our wounds, our comparison and competitiveness. There are so many dying without Jesus. It is time to join our hands together. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
7. Surrender
Heavenly father, we recognise how money is a big issue in discipleship today. Because money can so easily become our idol. Through your word you may teach us that the world is not our home. Help us to realise that we are stewards and not owners. IN THE NAME THERE IS THIS JOY OF STEWARDSHIP THE RESOURCES YOU GIVE, SO THAT WE ARE NOT IN BANDAGE TO THE IDOLATRY OF MONEY, so that we have the joy of living life, whatever amount you give to us. ALL TO JESUS WE SURRENDER. ALL TO HIM WE FREELY GIVE. LORD, THIS WORLD IS NOT MY HOME. I AM ONLY PASSING THROUGH. I MUST USE MONEY IN THIS LIFE WISELY. I CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS. I WANT TO STEWARD MY RESOURCES FOR THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF GOD. Thus, I say to you, All to Jesus I SURRENDER; All TO YOU I FREELY GIVE. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.