Part 7
Pucksandsticks (#262)
0 Plays

1. Part 1 (NIV)
That game was all about making choices. Yesterday we talked about how our character is built on the choices we make. The choices you made in that game probably don't impact your personal character, but many choices you face definitely do. Especially in tough situations, choosing to do the right thing over and over again builds strong character. Tonight we will look at how God uses character-building moments to bring us to a place of hope. We'll get more into that later in the program. But now I'd like the following campers to come down and share their God sightings from today. Thank you so much. You are all serving in amazing ways.
2. Part 2 (NIV)
It's been such a privilege to hear so many of your stories this week. You've shared your struggles and suffering with me and with one another as we learn the details of your personal journey. Thank you so much for being open to what God is doing in your life here at camp. Thank you also for listening to my story. Just telling it to all of you has helped me realize how important it is to shar your story. Even though it's difficult to revisit a time when I suffered, I can see hoe God used my struggles to help others. I recognize that who I am today is built on what I learned when facing the fire. I'm more...
3. Part 3 (NIV)
And knowing that suffering is just a season, not a destination? That fills me with hope. I can see how God uses me to help others as they face pain and suffering. But I can be helpful only if I'm willing to share what I went through. Think of it this way: Suffering- it happens Perseverance- the PLAN to get through it Character- how God SHAPES us in it Hope- what we KNOW God will do from the experience of it
4. Part 4 (NIV)
The Blacksmith knew what he wanted to create before he started but he had to take the metal through each stage of the process including the finishing details. There is no shortcut to forging a piece of metal and there is no shortcut to you becoming everything God created you to be. When you have confidence in God, your outlook, your conversations, and your actions change. It's in that moment that the pain, frustration, hurt, disappointment, struggle... ultimately your suffering reveals its purpose in your life: To be able to HELP someone else going through suffering.
5. Part 5 (NIV)
Today is about how character produces hope. Remember back on Sunday, I told you we were going on a circular journey- one that starts and ends with hope. Tonight we're coming full circle, much like the sisters in the drama we just watched. The story of Mary and Martha- the sisters of Lazarus- shows what can happen when you go through suffering but don't lose faith. The three siblings had been very close friends of Jesus. Imagine how good life was for them as they grew closer to Jesus through the years. I imagine them hanging out together, sharing meals and conversations. I picture them laughing and crying together.
6. Part 6 (NIV)
Mary, Martha, and Lazarus witnessed Jesus healing people and performing miracles. They had seen firsthand how Jesus impacted the people all around him. Then Lazarus became sick. And the family felt afraid and helpless. But they knew Jesus and trust him. And that gave them hope.
7. Part 7 (NIV)
So even in the dark and difficult time, we see the strength of their character and the depth of their faith: First, when Lazarus becomes sick. Their initial response is to turn to Jesus. They believe he will come help them. They choose to believe. Second, when Martha tells Mary that Jesus has arrived. Mary chooses to run to Jesus. She doesn't turn her back on Jesus or get lost in her anger. Her faith is strong enough that she feels hopeful even though Lazarus has died. Third, in the way both sisters tell Jesus the truth about how they feel. They express their honest confusion and disappointment about how long Jesus took to come see them in their suffering. They don't pretend. The way they confront Jesus about his lateness shows us the kind of honesty Jesus wants from all of us. Imagine the joy they felt as Jesus shouted, "Lazarus, come out"
8. Part 8 (NIV)
Mary, Martha, and Lazarus are transformed by what happens. They are already faithful believers, but they discover there's always room for even deeper faith. You see, while they waited for Jesus to arrive and heal Lazarus, they assumed that Jesus' absence meant he wasn't doing anything to help them. We're all guilty of that at times. We want God to work according to our timeline. Come. Help me Now. Right Now. I'm scared right Now. I need you right Now. I promise you: God hears your cries for help. God knows when your heart is breaking. God is already there. And wherever you are in your season of suffering, have hope that God is at work in and through you.
9. Part 9 (NIV)
Tonight, we invite you to share your whole story with your youth leaders and friend in your youth group. In a minute, I'll invite you down to the floor/front. Find a space where you can sit together as a youth group. If you're a large group, split into smaller groups. Make sure an adult leader is in each group. One at a time, tell your story. It might be the story you've been sharing all week in your journal. Or it might be a different story you feel like telling. Share a time you suffered... and explain where you are on the journey. Are you still suffering? Or do you feel like you've moved into a tome of perseverance? Is God providing time for you to make important choices that you can say are strengthening your character? Or have you returned to a season of hope?
10. Part 10 (NIV)
Be honest. If you're not sure where you are on the journey, let your group and adult leaders help you figure it out. You can share as much as you're comfortable sharing. Or step out of your comfort zone and open up even more than you usually would. Maybe you'll decide you want to share more later with a friend or one of your leaders. It's up to you. But above all, know that God is on the journey with you. You're never alone. And your suffering matters to God.
11. Part 11 (NIV)
After everyone has shared, hold your washers in your hands and pray. Pray for your stories, your journeys, and your constant pursuit of peace and hope. And thank God for always working on us and for using our struggles to build us into the people he created us to be. When you're done sharing and praying, bring your washers to the cross and hang them on the nails there. Feel free to sit at the cross or here in the gym/auditorium as long as you need to. But when you're all fished, please leave quietly. Youth Group devotions will begin at blank. Come down now and share your stories. Have a wonderful night.
