Psalms 1 Hebrew Transliterated Part 2
SusanM (#132)
15 Plays

1. Psalms 1 (KJV)
Ashrei blessed ha-ish the-man asher that lo not halak walk ba’astat in-path r’shaeem wicked uv’derekh and-in-path chata’im sinners lo not amad stand uv’moshav and-in-seat le’tseem scorners lo not yashav sit. Ki but im lo b’torat in-law YHWH chef’tso his-delight uv’torato and-in-His-law yehgeh meditate yomam day va-laylah and-night. V’hayah and-he-shall-be k’ets like-tree shatool planted al-palgei on-river mayim waters asher that pir’yo his-fruit yiten yield b’itto in-its-season v’alehu and-its-leaf lo-yibbol not-wither v’kol and-all asher that ya’aser whatever-he-does ya’atsleeach prospers. Lo not ken so har’shaeem the-wicked ki but im like kammots chaff asher which tidd’penu blows-away ruach wind. Al-ken therefore lo not yakumu stand r’sha’eem wicked bamish’paht in-judgement v’chatta’im and-sinners ba’adat in-assembly tsaddikim righteous. Ki for yode’a know YHWH derekh path tsaddikim righteous v’derekh and-path r’shaeem wicked toved perish.
