1. Poem
I found an alphabet one day
Piled up like a lot of sticks
I sorted the letters carefully out
There were only twenty six
So few there were—scarcely enough to try to use, or keep;
I was just about to throw them out Into the rubbish heap. When I happened to note, as I swept them up In a helter skelter lot, That several of them had formed a word;
I said to myself, “why not
Keep these letters a day or two
and when I have more time
i’ll see if there happens to be enough
to place them in this rhyme.” so I put them together this way and that
and arranged and rearranged, and I found I could make a lot of words,
and the words themselves could be changed.
and arranged in various forms and ways (as I’ve arranged them here)
to express one’s thoughts and sentiments and to please thine eye and ear. but some of the forms I placed them in, I found would cause great pain, like the sting and smart of a rankling wound; and so I tried to refrain from putting my alphabet into forms that would ever cause one grief, or sadden a heart with an unkind word
for a moment, however brief. I found that my alphabet, well arranged, could give one untold pleasure, and the joy of the meaning it could convey was like finding a hidden treasure. so I tried to train my hand and brain, whenever I placed a letter, to put it to where it would do its share In making things brighter and better. and now that alphabet holds a place in my most cherished things; I value it more than sordid gold, because of the joy it brings; because of its power, to move the heart, to cheer; and lighten the load that is often borne by the sons of men as they travel life’s weary road.
# | User | Score | Accuracy | # Blocks | Time | Difficulty | Date |
1 | palmbeachherbs | 179942 | 100.0% | 275 | 268.974s | Hard | 1 months ago |
2 | alexB | 365 | 34.0% | 34 | 109.204s | Easy | 1 months ago |