Psalm in Passion
Shalom (#21)
30 Plays

1. Psalm 1 (NLT)
What delight comes to the one who follows God’s ways! He won’t walk in step with the wicked, nor share the sinner’s way, nor be found sitting in the scorner’s seat. His passion is to remain true to the Word of “I AM,” meditating day and night on the true revelation of light. He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life. He is never dry, never fainting, ever blessed, ever prosperous. But how different are the wicked. They are like chaff blown away by the wind. The wicked will not endure the day of judgment, for God will not defend them. Nothing they do will succeed or endure for long, for they have no part with those who walk in truth. But how different it is for the righteous! The Lord embraces their paths as they move forward while the way of the wicked leads only to doom.
2. Psalm 2 (NLT)
Act I The Nations Speak How dare the nations plan a rebellion. Their foolish plots are futile! Look at how the power brokers of the world rise up to hold their summit as the rulers scheme and confer together against Yahweh and his Anointed King, saying: “Let’s come together and break away from the Creator. Once and for all let’s cast off these controlling chains of God and his Christ!” Act II God Speaks God-Enthroned merely laughs at them; the Sovereign One mocks their madness! Then with the fierceness of his fiery anger, he settles the issue and terrifies them to death with these words: “I myself have poured out my King on Zion, my holy mountain.” Act III The Son Speaks “I will reveal the eternal purpose of God. For he has decreed over me, ‘You are my favored Son. And as your Father I have crowned you as my King Eternal. Today I became your Father. Ask me to give you the nations and I will do it, and they shall become your legacy. Your domain will stretch to the ends of the earth. And you will shepherd them with unlimited authority, crushing their rebellion as an iron rod smashes jars of clay!’ ” Act IV The Holy Spirit Speaks “Listen to me, all you rebel kings and all you upstart judges of the earth. Learn your lesson while there’s still time. Serve and worship the awe-inspiring God. Recognize his greatness and bow before him, trembling with reverence in his presence. Fall facedown before him and kiss the Son before his anger is roused against you. Remember that his wrath can be quickly kindled! But many blessings are waiting for all who turn aside to hide themselves in him!”
3. Psalm 3 (NLT)
The Humbling of a King Lord, I have so many enemies, so many who are against me. Listen to how they whisper their slander against me, saying: “Look! He’s hopeless! Even God can’t save him from this!” Pause in his presence The Help of God But in the depths of my heart I truly know that you, Yahweh, have become my Shield; You take me and surround me with yourself. Your glory covers me continually. You lift high my head. I have cried out to you, Yahweh, from your holy presence. You send me a Father’s help. Pause in his presence The Song of Safety So now I’ll lie down and sleep like a baby— then I’ll awake in safety, for you surround me with your glory. Even though ten thousand dark powers prowl around me, I won’t be afraid. The Secret of Strength Rise up and help me, Yahweh! Come and save me, God! For you will slap them in the face, breaking the power of their words to harm me. For the Lord alone is my Savior. What a feast of favor and bliss he gives his people!
4. Psalm 4 (NLT)
God, you are my righteousness, my Champion Defender. Answer me when I cry for help! Whenever I was in distress, you enlarged me. I’m being squeezed again—I need your kindness right away! Grant me your grace, hear my prayer, and set me free! Listen to me, you elite among men: How long will you defame my honor and drag it down into shame? Will you ever stop insulting me? How long will you set your heart on shadows, chasing your lies and delusions? Pause in his presence May we never forget that Yahweh works wonders for every one of his devoted lovers. And this is how I know that he will answer my every prayer. Tremble in awe before the Lord, and do not sin against him. Be still upon your bed and search your heart before him. Pause in his presence Bring to Yahweh the sacrifice of righteousness and put your trust in him. Lord, prove them wrong when they say, “God can’t help you!” Let the light of your radiant face break through and shine upon us! The intense pleasure you give me surpasses the gladness of harvest time, even more than when the harvesters gaze upon their ripened grain and when their new wine overflows. Now, because of you, Lord, I will lie down in peace and sleep comes at once, for no matter what happens, I will live unafraid!
5. Psalm 5 (NLT)
Morning Watch Listen, Yahweh, to my passionate prayer! Can’t you hear my groaning? Don’t you hear how I’m crying out to you? My King and my God, consider my every word, for I am calling out to you. At each and every sunrise you will hear my voice as I prepare my sacrifice of prayer to you. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on the altar and wait for your fire to fall upon my heart. Making It Right I know that you, God, are never pleased with lawlessness, and evil ones will never be invited into your house. Boasters collapse, unable to survive your scrutiny, for your hatred of evildoers is clear. You will make an end of all those who lie. How you hate their hypocrisy and despise all who love violence! Multitude of Mercy But I know that you will welcome me into your house, for I am covered by your covenant of mercy and love. So I come to your sanctuary with deepest awe to bow in worship and adore you. Yahweh, lead me in the pathways of your pleasure just like you promised me you would, or else my enemies will conquer me. Smooth out your road in front of me, straight and level, so that I will know where to walk. Multitude of Sins Their words are unreliable. Destruction is in their hearts, drawing people into their darkness with their speeches. They are smooth-tongued deceivers, flattering with their words. Declare them guilty, O God! Let their own schemes be their downfall! Let the guilt of their sins collapse on top of them, for they rebel against you. Multitude of Blessings But let them all be glad, those who turn aside to hide themselves in you. May they keep shouting for joy forever! Overshadow them in your presence as they sing and rejoice. Then every lover of your name will burst forth with endless joy. Lord, how wonderfully you bless the righteous. Your favor wraps around each one and covers them under your canopy of kindness and joy.
6. Psalm 6 (NLT)
How Long? Yahweh, don’t condemn me. Don’t punish me in your fiery anger. Please deal gently with me, Yahweh; show me mercy, for I’m sick and frail and weak. Heal me, Yahweh, for I’m falling apart. My soul is so troubled; but you, Yahweh—how long? Return to Me Yahweh, turn to me and rescue my life because I know your faithful love will never fail me. In the darkness of death who remembers your name in worship? How could I bring you praise if I’m buried in a tomb? Extreme Anguish I’m worn out with my weeping and groaning. Night after night I soak my pillow with tears, and flood my bed with weeping. My eyes of faith won’t focus anymore, for sorrow fills my heart. There are so many enemies who come against me! He Heard My Cry Turn from me, all you troublemakers! For Yahweh has turned to hear the sound of my weeping. Yes! Yahweh my healer has heard all my pleading and has taken hold of my prayers and answered them all. Now it’s my enemies who have been shamed. Terror-stricken, they will turn back again, knowing the bitterness of sudden disgrace!
7. Psalm 7 (NLT)
Rescue Me Yahweh, my God, I turn to hide my soul in you. Save me from all those who pursue and persecute me. There is none to deliver me but you! Don’t let my foes fall upon me like fierce lions with teeth bared. Can’t you see how they want to rip my soul to shreds? Yahweh, my God, if I have done evil like they say I have, and my hands are guilty, if I have wronged someone at peace with me, if I have betrayed a friend, repaying evil for good, or if I have unjustly harmed my enemy, Then let my enemy pursue and overtake me. Let them grind me into the ground. Let them take my life from me and drag my dignity through the dust! Pause in his presence Vindicate Me Yahweh, arise in your anger against the anger of my enemies. Awaken your fury and stand up for me! Execute the judgment you have decreed against them. All the people gather around you. Return to your place on high to preside over them. You are Yahweh who judges the people. Vindicate me publicly, Yahweh, and restore my honor and integrity. Declare me innocent. Once and for all, bring to an end the evil tactics of the wicked! Establish the cause of the righteous, for you are the righteous God, the soul searcher, who tests every heart to examine the thoughts and motives. God, your wraparound presence is my shield. You bring victory to all who are pure in heart. God, your righteousness is revealed when you judge. Because of the strength of your forgiveness, your anger does not break out every day. God’s Lethal Weapons -Yet if one does not repent, you will not relent to sharpen your shining sword. You have an arsenal of lethal weapons that you’ve prepared for them. You have bent and strung your bow, making your judgment-arrows shafts of burning fire. Look how the wicked conceive their evil schemes. They go into labor with their lies and give birth to trouble. They dig a pit for others to fall into, not knowing that they will be the very ones who will fall into it. Every pit-digger who works to trap and harm others will be trapped by his own treachery. Thankful Praise But I will give my thanks to you, Yahweh, for you make everything right in the end. I will sing my highest praise to the God of the Highest Place!
8. Psalm 8 (NLT)
God’s Majesty Yahweh, our Sovereign God, your glory streams from the heavens above, filling the earth with the majesty of your name! People everywhere see your splendor. You have built a stronghold by the songs of children. Strength rises up with the chorus of infants. This kind of praise has power to shut Satan’s mouth. Childlike worship will silence the madness of those who oppose you. Human Dignity Look at the splendor of your skies, your creative genius glowing in the heavens. When I gaze at your moon and your stars, mounted like jewels in their settings, I know you are the fascinating artist who fashioned it all! But I have to ask this question: Why would you bother with puny, mortal man or care about human beings? Yet what honor you have given to men, created only a little lower than Elohim, crowned with glory and magnificence. You have delegated to them rulership over all you have made, with everything under their authority, placing earth itself under the feet of your image-bearers. -All the created order and every living thing of the earth, sky, and sea— the wildest beasts and all that move in the paths of the sea — everything is in submission to Adam’s sons. Yahweh, our Sovereign God, your glory streams from the heavens above, filling the earth with the majesty of your name! People everywhere see your splendor!
9. Psalm 9 (NLT)
Delighting in God I will worship you, Yahweh, with extended hands as my whole heart erupts with praise! I will tell everyone everywhere about your wonderful works! I will be glad and shout in triumph. I will sing praise to your exalted name, O Most High. Deliverance For when you appear, I worship you while my enemies run in retreat. They stumble and perish before your presence. For you have stood up for my cause and vindicated me when I needed you the most. From your righteous throne you have given me justice. Divine Judgment With a blast of your rebuke, nations are destroyed. You obliterated their names forever and ever. The Lord thundered and our enemies have been cut off, vanished in everlasting ruins. All their cities have been destroyed— even the memory of them has been erased. But Yahweh, our mighty God, reigns forever! He sits enthroned as King ready to render his verdicts and judge all with righteousness. He will issue his decrees of judgment, deciding what is right for the entire world, dispensing justice to all. All who are oppressed may come to Yahweh as a high shelter in the time of trouble, a perfect hiding place. For everyone who knows your wonderful name keeps putting their trust in you. They can count on you for help no matter what. O Lord, you will never, no never, neglect those who come to you. Listen, everyone! Sing out your praises to the God who rules in Zion! Tell the world about all the miracles he has done! He tracks down killers and avenges bloodshed, but he will never forget the ones forgotten by others, hearing every one of their cries for justice. Daughter of Zion So now, O Lord, don’t forget me. Have mercy on me. Take note of how I’ve been humiliated at the hands of those who hate me. You are the one who can snatch me away from the gates of death. Then I will sing your praises as I pass through the gates of the Daughter of Zion, rejoicing in your deliverance! For the nations get trapped in the very snares they set for others. The hidden trap they set for the weak has snapped shut upon themselves! Yahweh is famous for his justice. While the wicked are digging a pit for others, they are actually setting the terms for their own judgment. They will fall into their own pit. Consider the truth of this and pause in his presence Destruction of the Wicked Don’t forget this: all the wicked will one day fall into the darkness of death’s domain, including the nations that forget God and reject his ways. He will not forget the needs of the poor. One day the needy will be remembered, and their hopes will not be forever dashed in disappointment. Yahweh, it’s time to arise and judge the nations who defy you. Don’t let rebellious men triumph. Make them tremble in fear before your presence. Place a lawgiver over them. Make them know that they are only puny, frail humans who must give account to you!
10. Psalm 10 (NLT)
The Lord is Concealed Lord, why do you seem so far away when evil is near? Why have you hidden yourself when I need you the most? The arrogant in their elitist pride persecute the poor and helpless. May you pour out upon them the very evil they’ve dreamed up against others! How they brag and boast of their cravings, exalting the greedy. They congratulate themselves as they despise you— these arrogant ones, so smug and secure! In their delusion the wicked boast, saying, “God doesn’t care about what we do. There’s nothing to worry about!” So successful are they in their schemes and prosperous in all their plans! Your laws are far from them; they scoff at their enemies. They boast that neither God nor men will bring them down. They sneer at all their enemies, saying in their hearts, “We’ll have success in all we do and never have to face trouble.” Their mouths spew out cursing, lies, and threats. Only trouble and turmoil come from all their plans. -Like beasts lurking in the shadows of the city, they crouch silently in ambush, waiting for the innocent to pass by. Pouncing on the poor, they catch them in their snare to murder their prey in secret as they plunder their helpless victims. They crush the lowly as they fall beneath their brutal blows, watching their victims collapse in defeat! Then they say to themselves, “The Lofty One is not watching while we do this. He doesn’t even care! We can get away with it!” The Lord is Concerned Now arise, Yahweh-God! Crush them once and for all! Don’t forget the helpless and oppressed. How dare the wicked think they’ll reject God and escape judgment. They say to themselves, “God won’t hold me accountable.” Lord, I know you see all that they’re doing, noting their each and every deed. You know the trouble and turmoil they’ve caused. Now punish them thoroughly for all that they’ve done! The poor and helpless ones trust in you, Lord, for you are famous for being the helper of the fatherless. I know you won’t let them down. Break the power of the wicked and all their strong-arm tactics. Search them out and destroy them for the evil things they’ve done. You, Yahweh, are King forever and ever! All the nations will perish from your land. Yahweh, you have heard the desires of the humble and seen their hopes. You will hear their cries and encourage their hearts. The orphans and the oppressed will be terrified no longer, for you will bring them justice, and no earth-dweller will trouble them again.
11. Psalm 11 (NLT)
The Advice to Flee My faith shelters my soul continually in Yahweh. Why would you say to me: “Run away while you can! Fly away like a bird to hide in the mountains for safety. For your enemies have prepared a trap for you! Can’t you see them hiding in their place of darkness and shadows? They’re set against all those who live upright lives. What can the righteous accomplish when truth’s pillars are destroyed and law and order collapse?” The Answer of Faith Yet Yahweh is never shaken — he is still found in his temple of holiness, reigning as King Yahweh over all. He closely watches and examines everything man does. With a glance, his eyes examine every heart, for his heavenly rule will prevail over all. Yahweh tests both the righteous and the wicked. God’s very soul detests lovers of violence. He will rain down upon them judgment for their sins. A scorching wind will be their lot in life. But remember this: Yahweh is the Righteous One who loves justice, and every godly one will gaze upon his face!
12. Psalm 12 (NLT)
Intercession Help, Lord! Save us! For godly ones are disappearing. Where are the dependable, principled ones? They’re a vanishing breed! Everyone lies, everyone flatters, and everyone deceives. Nothing but empty talk, smooth talk, and double-talk. -You will destroy every proud liar who says, “We lie all we want. Our words are our weapons, and we won’t be held accountable. Who can stop us?” May Yahweh cut off their twisted tongues and seal their lying lips. May they all be silenced—those who boast and brag with their high-minded talk. Intervention But the Lord says, “Now I will arise! I will defend the poor, those who were plundered, the oppressed, and the needy who groan for help. I will spring into action to rescue and protect them!” For every word Yahweh speaks is sure and reliable. His truth is tested, found to be flawless, and ever faithful. It’s as pure as silver refined seven times in a crucible of clay. Inspiration -Lord, you will keep us safe, out of the reach of the wicked. Even though they strut and prowl, tolerating and celebrating what is worthless and vile, you will still lift up those who are yours!
13. Psalm 13 (NLT)
I’m hurting, Lord—will you forget me forever? How much longer, Lord? Will you look the other way when I’m in need? How much longer must I cling to this constant grief? I’ve endured this shaking of my soul. So how much longer will my enemy have the upper hand? Intercession Take a good look at me, Yahweh, my God, and answer me! Breathe your life into my spirit. Bring light to my eyes in this pitch-black darkness or I will sleep the sleep of death. Don’t let my enemy proclaim, “I’ve prevailed over him.” For all my adversaries will celebrate when I fall. I have always trusted in your kindness, so answer me. I will spin in a circle of joy when your salvation lifts me up. I will sing my song of joy to you, Yahweh, for in all of this you have strengthened my soul. My enemies say that I have no Savior, but I know that I have one in you!
14. Psalm 14 (NLT)
Only the withering soul would say to himself, “There is no God.” Anyone who thinks like this is corrupt and callous, devoid of what is good. Yahweh looks down in love, looking over all of Adam’s sons and daughters. He’s looking to see if there is anyone who acts wisely, any who are searching for God and wanting to please him. None Who Are Good But everyone has wandered astray, walking stubbornly toward evil. Not one is good; he can’t even find one. They live in luxury while exploiting my people! Won’t these workers of wickedness ever learn? They don’t ever think of praying to God. Overwhelmed with Dread But look at them now, in panic, trembling with terror. For God is on the side of his godly lovers. Yahweh is always the safest place for the poor when the workers of wickedness oppress them. Overcome with Joy How I wish that Israel’s rescue would arise from the midst of Zion! When Yahweh restores his people, Jacob’s joy will break forth and Israel will be glad!
15. Psalm 15 (NLT)
Yahweh, who dares to dwell with you? Who presumes the privilege of being close to you, living next to you in your shining place of glory? The Answer Provided They are passionate and wholehearted, always sincere and always speaking the truth— for their hearts are trustworthy. They refuse to slander or insult others; they’ll never listen to gossip or rumors, nor would they ever harm a friend with their words. They will despise evil and evil workers while commending the faithful ones who follow after the truth. They make firm commitments and follow through, even at great cost. They never crush others with exploitation and they would never be bought with a bribe against the innocent. Those who do these things will never be shaken; they will stand firm forever.
16. Psalm 16 (NLT)
My Protection Keep me safe, O mighty God. I run to you, my safe place. I said to Yahweh, “You are my Maker and my Master. Any good thing you find in me has come from you.” And he said to me, “My holy lovers in the land are my glorious ones, who fulfill all my desires.” Yet there are those who yield to their weakness, and they will have troubles unending. I never gather with such ones, nor give them honor in any way. My Portion Yahweh, you alone are my inheritance. You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion. You hold my destiny and its timing in your hands. Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I’m overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you! My Praise The way you counsel me makes me praise you more, for your whispers in the night give me wisdom, showing me what to do next. Because I set you, Yahweh, always close to me, my confidence will never be weakened, for I experience your wraparound presence every moment. My heart and soul explode with joy—full of glory! Even my body will rest confident and secure. For you will not abandon me to the realm of death, nor will you allow your Faithful One to experience corruption. Because of you, I know the path of life, as I taste the fullness of joy in your presence. At your right side I experience divine pleasures forevermore!
17. Psalm 17 (NLT)
Listen to me, Lord. Hear the passionate prayer of this honest man. My cause is just and my need is real. I’ve done what’s right and my lips speak truth. Examine and exonerate me. Vindicate me and show the world I’m innocent. For in a visitation of the night you inspected my heart and refined my soul in fire until nothing vile was found in me. I will not sin with my words. Following your word has kept me from wrong. Your ways have molded my footsteps, keeping me from going down the paths of the violent. My steps follow in the tracks of your chariot wheels, always staying in their path, never straying from your way. You will answer me, God; I know you always will. Hear my words like you always do as you listen to my every prayer. Hide Me! Magnify the marvels of your mercy to all who seek you. You are the loving Savior of all who turn aside to hide themselves in you. Protect me from harm; keep an eye on me as you would a child who is reflected in the twinkling of your eye. Yes, hide me within the shelter of your embrace, under your outstretched wings. Protect me there from all my foes. For there are many who surround my soul to completely destroy me. They are pitiless, heartless—hard as nails, swollen with pride and filled with arrogance! See how they close in on me, waiting for the chance to throw me to the ground. They’re like lions eager to tear me apart, like young and fearless lions lurking in secret, so ferocious and cruel—ready to rip me to shreds. Help Me! Arise, God, and confront them! Challenge them with your might! Free me from their clutches and rescue me from their rage. Throw them down to the ground, those who live for only this life on earth. Thrust them out of their prosperity and into their portion in eternity, leaving their wealth and wickedness behind! As for me, because I am innocent, I will see your face until I see you for who you really are. I will be satisfied in an awakening of your likeness in me!
18. Psalm 18 (NLT)
I love you, Yahweh, and I’m bonded to you, my strength! Yahweh, you’re the bedrock beneath my feet, my faith-fortress, my wonderful deliverer, my God, my rock of rescue where none can reach me. You’re the shield around me, the mighty power that saves me, and my high place. All I need to do is to call on you, Yahweh, the praiseworthy God. When I do, I’m safe and sound in you— delivered from my foes! -For when the cords of death wrapped around me and torrents of destruction overwhelmed me, taking me to death’s door, in my distress I cried out to you, the delivering God, and from your temple-throne you heard my troubled cry, and my sobs went right into your heart. The earth itself shivered and shook. It reeled and rocked before him. As the mountains trembled, they melted away, for his anger was kindled on my behalf! Fierce flames leapt from his mouth, erupting with blazing, burning coals as smoke and fire encircled him. -He stretched heaven’s curtain open and came to my defense. Swiftly he rode to earth as the stormy sky was lowered. He rode a chariot of thunderclouds amidst thick darkness; his steed was a cherub, soaring on outstretched wings of Spirit-Wind. Wrapped in the thick-cloud darkness, his thunder-tabernacle surrounded him. He hid himself in mystery-darkness; the dense rain clouds were his garments. Suddenly the brilliance of his presence broke through with lightning bolts and hail— a tempest dropping coals of fire. The Lord thundered; the great God above every god spoke with his thunder-voice from the sky. The Most High uttered his voice! He released his lightning-arrows, and routed my foes. See how they ran and scattered in fear! Then with his mighty roar he laid bare the foundations of the earth, uncovering the secret source of the sea. The hidden depths of land and sea were exposed by the blast of his hot breath. He rescued me from the mighty waters and drew me to himself! Even though I was helpless in the hands of my hateful, strong enemy, you were good to deliver me. When I was at my weakest, my enemies attacked— but the Lord held on to me. His love broke open the way, and he brought me into a beautiful, broad place. He rescued me—because his delight is in me! He rewarded me for doing what’s right and staying pure. I will follow his commands and I’ll not sin by ceasing to follow him, no matter what. For I’ve kept my eyes focused on his righteous words, and I’ve obeyed everything that he’s told me to do. I’ve been blameless before him and followed all his ways, keeping my heart pure. And so Yahweh has rewarded me according to my righteousness, because I kept my heart clean before his eyes. Good people will taste your goodness. And to those who are loyal to you, you love to prove that you are loyal and true. And for those who are purified, they find you always pure. But you’ll outwit the crooked and cunning with your craftiness. To the humble you bring heaven’s deliverance, but the proud and haughty you disregard. God, all at once you turned on a floodlight for me! You are the revelation-light in my darkness, and in your brightness I can see the path ahead. With you as my strength I can crush an enemy horde, advancing through every stronghold that stands in front of me. Yahweh, what a perfect God you are! All Yahweh’s promises have proven true. What a secure shelter for all those who turn to hide themselves in you, the wraparound God. Could there be any other god like Yahweh? For there is not a more secure foundation than you. God, you have wrapped me in power and made my way perfect. Through you I ascend to the highest peaks to stand strong and secure in you. You’ve trained me with the weapons of warfare-worship; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You empower me for victory with your wraparound presence. Your power within makes me strong to subdue. By stooping down in gentleness, you made me great! You’ve set me free, and now I’m standing complete, ready to fight some more! I caught up with my enemies and conquered them and didn’t turn back until the war was won! I smashed them to pieces and I finished them once and for all; they’re as good as dead. You’ve placed your armor upon me and made my enemies bow low at my feet. You’ve made them all turn tail and run, for through you I’ve destroyed them all! They shouted for help, but no one dared to rescue them. They cried out to Yahweh, but he refused to answer them. So I pulverized them to powder and cast them to the wind. I swept them away like dirt on the floor. You gave me victory on every side, for you make me a leader of nations. Even those I’ve never heard of come and bow at my feet. As soon as they heard of me they submitted to me. Even the rebel foreigners obey my every word. Their rebellion fades away as they come near; trembling in their strongholds, they come crawling out of their hideouts, cringing in fear before me. Yahweh lives! Praise is lifted high to the unshakable God! Towering over all, my Savior-God is worthy to be praised! Look how he pays back harm to all who harm me, subduing all who come against me. He rescues me from my enemies; he lifts me up high and keeps me out of reach, far from the grasp of my violent foe. So I thank you, Yahweh, with my praises! I will sing my song to the highest God, so all among the nations will hear me. You have given me, your king, great victories. You’ve always been tender and kind to me, your anointed one, your loving servant, David, and to all my descendants!
19. Psalm 19 (NLT)
God’s Story in the Skies God’s splendor is a tale that is told, written in the stars. Space itself speaks his story through the marvels of the heavens. His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky, showing his skill in creation’s craftsmanship. Each day gushes out its message to the next, night by night whispering its knowledge to all— without a sound, without a word, without a voice being heard, yet all the world can hear its echo. Everywhere its message goes out. What a heavenly home God has set for the sun, shining in the superdome of the sky! See how he leaves his celestial chamber each morning, radiant as a bridegroom ready for his wedding, like a day-breaking champion eager to run his course. He rises on one horizon, completing his circuit on the other, warming lives and lands with his heat. God’s Story in the Scriptures Yahweh’s Word is perfect in every way; how it revives our souls! Yahweh’s laws lead us to truth, and his ways change the simple into wise. Yahweh’s teachings are right and make us joyful; his precepts are so pure! Yahweh’s commands challenge us to keep close to his heart! The revelation-light of his Word makes my spirit shine radiant. Yahweh’s decrees are trustworthy. The fear of Yahweh is pure, enduring forever. The rarest treasures of life are found in his truth. That’s why God’s Word is prized like others prize the finest gold. Sweeter also than honey are his living words— sweet words dripping from the honeycomb! For they warn us, your servants, and keep us from following the wicked way, giving a lifetime guarantee: great success to every obedient soul! How would I discern the waywardness of my heart? Lord, forgive my hidden flaws whenever you find them. Keep cleansing me, God, and keep me from my secret, selfish sins; may they never rule over me! For only then will I be free from fault and remain innocent of rebellion. So may the words of my mouth, my meditation-thoughts, and every movement of my heart be always pure and pleasing, acceptable before your eyes, Yahweh, my only Redeemer, my Protector.
20. Psalm 20 (NLT)
In your day of danger may Yahweh answer and deliver you. May the name of the God of Jacob set you safely on high! May supernatural help be sent from his sanctuary. May he support you from Zion’s fortress! May he remember every gift you have given him and celebrate every sacrifice of love you have shown him. Pause in his presence May Yahweh give you every desire of your heart and carry out your every plan as you go to battle. When you succeed, we will celebrate and shout for joy. Flags will fly when victory is yours! Yes, God will answer your prayers, and we will praise him! I know Yahweh gives me all that I ask for and brings victory to his anointed king. My deliverance cry will be heard in his holy heaven. By his mighty hand miracles will manifest through his saving strength. Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom, but my miracle-deliverance can never be won by men. Our boast is in Yahweh our God, who makes us strong and gives us victory! Our enemies will not prevail; they will only collapse and perish in defeat while we will rise up, full of courage. Give victory to our king, O Yahweh! The day we call on you, give us your answer!
21. Psalm 21 (NLT)
Yahweh, because of your strength the king is strong. Look how he rejoices in you! He bursts out with a joyful song because of your victory! For you have given him his heart’s desire, anything and everything he asks for. You haven’t withheld a thing from the king. Pause in his presence Rich blessings overflow with every encounter with you, and you placed a royal crown of gold upon his head. He wanted life —you have given it to him and more! The days of his blessing stretch on one after another, forever! You have honored him and made him famous. Glory-garments are upon him, and you surround him with splendor and majesty. Your victory heaps blessing after blessing upon him. What joy and bliss he tastes, rejoicing before your face! For the king trusts in Yahweh, and he will never stumble, never fall. The forever-love of the Most High holds him firm. Looking Forward Your almighty hands have captured your foes. You uncovered all who hate you and you seized them. -When you appear before them, unveiling the radiance of your face, they will be consumed by the fierce fire of your presence. Yahweh’s flames will swallow them up. They and their descendants will be destroyed by an unrelenting fire. We will watch them fail, for these are the ones who plan their evil schemes against the Lord. They will turn and run at the sight of your judgment-arrows aimed straight at their hearts. Looking Up Rise up and put your might on display! By your strength we will sing and praise your glorious power!
22. Psalm 22 (NLT)
The CROSS God, my God! Why would you abandon me now? Why do you remain distant, refusing to answer my tearful cries in the day and my desperate cries for your help in the night? I can’t stop sobbing. Where are you, my God? Yet I know that you are most holy. You are God-Enthroned, the praise of Israel. Our fathers’ faith was in you— through the generations they trusted in you and you came through. Every time they cried out to you in their despair, you were faithful to deliver them; you didn’t disappoint them. But I am like a worm, crushed and bleeding crimson, treated as less than human. I’ve been despised and scorned by everyone! Mocked by their jeers, despised with their sneers, as all the people poke fun at me, spitting their insults, saying, “Is this the one who trusted in God? Now let’s see if Yahweh will come to your rescue! Let’s see how much he delights in him!” Lord, you delivered me safely from my mother’s womb. You are the one who cared for me ever since I was a baby. Since the day I was born, I’ve been placed in your custody. You’ve cradled me throughout my days, and you’ve always been my God. So don’t leave me now, for trouble is all around me, and there’s no one to help me. I’m surrounded by many violent foes like bulls; forces of evil encircle me like the strong bulls of Bashan. Like ravenous, roaring lions tearing their prey, they pour curses from their mouths. Now I’m completely exhausted. Every joint of my body has been pulled apart. My courage has melted away. I’m so thirsty and parched. My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. And now you lay me in the dust of death. They have pierced my hands and my feet. Like a pack of wild dogs they tear at me, swirling around me with their hatred. A band of evil men surrounds me. I can count all my bones. Look at how they gloat over me and stare! With a toss of the dice they divide my clothes among themselves, gambling for my garments! Yahweh, please don’t stay far away. My strength, come quickly to my rescue. Give me back my life. Save me from this violent death. Save my precious one and only from the power of these dogs! Save me from all the power of the enemy, from this roaring lion raging against me and the power of his dark horde. The Resurrection I will declare your name before all my brothers and praise you in the midst of the congregation. Those who fear Yahweh, praise him! Let all the seed of Jacob glorify him with your praises. Stand in awe of him, all you offspring of Israel! For he has not despised my cries of deep despair. He’s my first responder to my sufferings, and when I was in pain, he was there all the time and heard the cries of the afflicted. You’re the reason for my praise; it comes from you and goes to you. I will keep my promise to praise you before all who fear you among the congregation of your people. Let all the poor and broken eat until satisfied. Bring Yahweh praise and you will find him. May your hearts overflow with life forever! From the four corners of the earth, the peoples of the world will remember and return to Yahweh. Every nation will come and worship him. For Yahweh is King of all, who takes charge of all the nations. The wealthy of this world will feast in fellowship with him right alongside the humble of heart, bowing down to the dust, forsaking their own souls. They will all come and worship this worthy King! His spiritual seed shall serve him. Future generations will hear from us about the wonders of the Victorious Lord. His generation yet to be born will glorify him. And they will all declare, “It is finished!”
23. Psalm 23 (NLT)
Yahweh is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough. He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love. His tracks take me to an oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss. That’s where he restores and revives my life. He opens before me the right path and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to his name. Even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near. You become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight. You anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit; you give me all I can drink of you until my cup overflows. So why would I fear the future? Only goodness and tender love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you!
24. Psalm 24 (NLT)
Yahweh claims the world as his. Everything and everyone belong to him! He’s the one who pushed back oceans to let the dry ground appear, planting firm foundations for the earth. Who Comes before the King? Who, then, is allowed to ascend the mountain of Yahweh? And who has the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place? Those who are clean—whose works and ways are pure, whose hearts are true and sealed by the truth, those who never deceive, whose words are sure. They will receive Yahweh’s blessing and righteousness given by the Savior-God. They will stand before God, for they seek the pleasure of God’s face, the God of Jacob. Pause in his presence The King is Coming! So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you doorways of eternity! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you. You ask, “Who is this King of Glory?” Yahweh, armed and ready for battle, Yahweh, invincible in every way! So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you eternal doors! Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. You ask, “Who is this King of Glory?” He is Yahweh, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible commander of heaven’s hosts! Yes, he is the King of Glory!
25. Psalm 25 (NLT)
d Always I will lift up my soul into your presence, Yahweh. Be there for me, my God, for I keep trusting in you. Don’t allow my foes to gloat over me or the shame of defeat to overtake me. Could anyone be disgraced when he has entwined his heart with yours? But my foes will all be defeated and ashamed when they harm the innocent. Direct me, Yahweh, throughout my journey so I can experience your plans for my life. Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to you. Escort me into your truth; take me by the hand and teach me. For you are the God of my salvation; I have wrapped my heart into yours all day long! -Forgive my failures as a young man, and overlook the sins of my immaturity. Give me grace, Yahweh! Always look at me through your eyes of love— your forgiving eyes of mercy and compassion. When you think of me, see me as one you love and care for. How good you are to me! When people turn to you, Yahweh, they discover how easy you are to please—so faithful and true! Joyfully you teach them the proper path, even when they go astray. Keep showing the humble your path, and lead them into the best decision. Bring revelation-light that trains them in the truth. Loving are all the ways of Yahweh, loving and faithful for those who keep his covenant. For the honor of your name, Yahweh, never count my many sins, and forgive them all— lift their burden off of my life! Who are they that live in the holy fear of Yahweh? You will show them the right path to take. Then prosperity and favor will be their portion, and their descendants will inherit the earth. There’s a private place reserved for the devoted lovers of Yahweh, where they sit near him and receive the revelation-secrets of his promises. Rescue me, Yahweh, for you free my feet from every trap. Sorrows fill my heart as I feel helpless, mistreated— I’m all alone and in misery! Come closer to me now, for I need your mercy. Turn to me, for my problems seem to be going from bad to worse. Only you can free me from all these troubles! Until you lift this burden, the burden of all my sins, my troubles and trials will be more than I can handle. Can’t you feel my pain? Vicious, violent enemies hate me. There are so many, Lord. Can’t you see? Will you protect me from their power against me? I have taken shelter in you. Let it never be said that when I trusted you, you didn’t come to my rescue. Your perfection and faithfulness are my bodyguards, for you are my hope and I trust in you as my only protection. Zealously, God, we ask you to come save Israel from all her troubles, for you provide the ransom price for your people!
26. Psalm 26 (NLT)
David’s Trust and Transparency Yahweh, be my judge and declare me innocent! Clear my name, for I walk in integrity and trust you without wavering. Yahweh, you can scrutinize me. Refine my heart and probe my every thought. Put me to the test and you’ll find me true. I will never lose sight of your steadfast love for me. Your faithfulness has steadied my steps. David’s Truthfulness I won’t keep company with tricky, two-faced men, nor will I go the way of those with hidden motives. I despise the sinner’s hangouts. You won’t find me walking with the wicked. -When I come to your altar, Yahweh, I’ll be clean before you, approaching with songs of thanksgiving, singing songs of your mighty miracles. David’s Testimony Yahweh, I love to live in your house, this dwelling place of dazzling glory! Don’t treat me as one of these scheming sinners who plot violence against the innocent. Look how they devise their wicked plans; their hands are always ready to receive a bribe. I’m not like them, Lord—not at all. Save me, redeem me with your mercy, for I have chosen to walk only in what is right. Among the worshipers I will praise Yahweh, for I am safe and secure because of you!
27. Psalm 27 (NLT)
Yahweh is my revelation-light and the source of my salvation. I fear no one! I’ll never turn back and run, for you, Yahweh, surround and protect me. When evil ones come to destroy me, they will be the ones who turn back. My heart will not fear even if an army rises to attack. I will not be shaken, even if war is imminent. Here’s the one thing I crave from Yahweh, the one thing I seek above all else: I want to live with him every moment in his house, beholding the marvelous beauty of Yahweh, filled with awe, delighting in his glory and grace. I want to contemplate in his temple. -In the day of trouble, he will treasure me in his shelter, under the cover of his tent. He will lift me high upon a rock, out of reach from all my enemies who surround me. Triumphant now, I’ll bring him my offerings of praise, singing and shouting with ecstatic joy! Yes, I will sing praises to Yahweh! Hear my cry. Show me mercy, and send the help I need! I heard your voice in my heart say, “Come, seek my face;” my inner being responded, “Yahweh, I’m seeking your face with all my heart.” So don’t turn your face away from me. You’re the God of my salvation; how can you reject your servant in anger? You’ve been my only hope, so don’t forsake me now when I need you! My father and mother abandoned me. But you, Yahweh, took me in and made me yours. Now teach me, Yahweh, all about your ways and tell me what to do. Make it clear for me to understand, for I am surrounded by waiting enemies. Don’t let them defeat me, Lord. You can’t let me fall into their clutches! They keep accusing me of things I’ve never done, breathing out violence against me. Yet I believe with all my heart that I will see again your goodness, Yahweh, in the land of life eternal! Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you!
28. Psalm 28 (NLT)
My Defender I’m pleading with you, Yahweh, help me! Don’t close your ears to my cry, for you’re my defender. If you continue to remain aloof and refuse to answer me, I might as well give up and die. Hear my cry for help as I turn toward your mercy seat, as I lift my hands toward your sacred sanctuary. Don’t allow me to be punished along with the wicked— these hypocrites who speak sweetly to their neighbors’ faces while holding evil against them in their hearts. My Vindication Go ahead and punish them as they deserve. Let them be paid back for all their evil plans in proportion to their wickedness. Since they don’t care anything about you, or understand the great things you’ve done, take them down like an old building being demolished, never again to be rebuilt. But Yahweh, may your name be blessed and built up! For you have answered my passionate cry for mercy. My Strength Yahweh is my strength and my wraparound shield. When I fully trust in you, help is on the way. I jump for joy and burst forth with ecstatic, passionate praise! I will sing songs of what you mean to me! You will be the inner strength of all your people, Yahweh, the mighty protector of all, and the saving strength for all your anointed ones. Save your people whom you love, and bless your chosen ones. Be our shepherd leading us forward, forever carrying us in your arms!
29. Psalm 29 (NLT)
Proclaim his majesty, all you mighty sons of Yahweh, giving all the glory and strength back to him! Be in awe before his majesty. Be in awe before such power and might! Come worship wonderful Yahweh, arrayed in all his splendor, bowing in worship as he appears in the beauty of holiness. Give him the honor due his name. Worship him wearing the glory-garments of your holy, priestly calling! -The voice of the Lord echoes through the skies and seas. The Glory-God reigns as he thunders in the clouds. So powerful is his voice, so brilliant and bright— how majestic as he thunders over the great waters! His tympanic thunder topples the strongest of trees. His symphonic sound splinters the mighty forests. Now he moves Zion’s mountains by the might of his voice, shaking the snowy peaks with his earsplitting sound! The lightning-fire flashes, striking as he speaks. God reveals himself when he makes the fault lines quake, shaking deserts, speaking his voice. God’s mighty voice makes the deer to give birth. His thunderbolt-voice lays the forest bare. In his temple all fall before him with each one shouting, “Glory, glory, the God of glory!” Above the furious flood, the Enthroned One reigns, the King-God rules with eternity at his side. This is the one who gives his strength and might to his people. This is the Lord giving us his kiss of peace.
30. Psalm 30 (NLT)
He Healed Me King David’s poetic praise to God A song for the Feast of Dedication of the dwelling place Lord, I will exalt you and lift you high, for you have lifted me up on high! Over all my boasting, gloating enemies, you made me to triumph. O Lord, my healing God, I cried out for a miracle and you healed me! You brought me back from the brink of death, from the depths below. Now here I am, alive and well, fully restored! O sing and make melody, you steadfast lovers of God. Give thanks to him every time you reflect on his holiness! I’ve learned that his anger lasts for a moment, but his loving favor lasts a lifetime! We may weep through the night, but at daybreak it will turn into shouts of ecstatic joy. -I remember boasting, “I’ve got it made! Nothing can stop me now! I’m God’s favored one; he’s made me steady as a mountain!” But then suddenly, you hid your face from me. I was panic-stricken and became depressed. Still I cried out to you, Lord God. I shouted out for mercy, saying, “What would you gain in my death, if I were to go down to the depths of darkness? Will a grave sing your song? How could death’s dust declare your faithfulness?” So hear me now, Lord; show me your famous mercy. O God, be my Savior and rescue me! Then he broke through and transformed all my wailing into a whirling dance of ecstatic praise! He has torn the veil and lifted from me the sad heaviness of mourning. He wrapped me in the glory-garments of gladness. How could I be silent when it’s time to praise you? Now my heart sings out, bursting with joy— a bliss inside that keeps me singing, “I can never thank you enough!”
31. Psalm 31 (NLT)
I trust you, Lord, to be my hiding place. Don’t let me down. Don’t let my enemies bring me to shame. Come and rescue me, for you are the only God who always does what is right. Rescue me quickly when I cry out to you. At the sound of my prayer may your ear be turned to me. Be my strong shelter and hiding place on high. Pull me into victory and breakthrough. -For you are my high fortress, where I’m kept safe. You are to me a stronghold of salvation. When you deliver me out of this peril, it will bring glory to your name. As you guide me forth I’ll be kept safe from the hidden snares of the enemy— the secret traps that lie before me— for you have become my rock of strength. Into your hands I now entrust my spirit. O Lord, the God of faithfulness, you have rescued and redeemed me. I despise these deceptive illusions, all this pretense and nonsense, for I worship only you. In mercy you have seen my troubles, and you have cared for me; even during this crisis in my soul I will be radiant with joy, filled with praise for your love and mercy. You have kept me from being conquered by my enemy; you broke open the way to bring me to freedom, into a beautiful, broad place. O Lord, help me again! Keep showing me such mercy. For I am in anguish, always in tears, and I’m worn out with weeping. I’m becoming old because of grief; my health is broken. I’m exhausted! My life is spent with sorrow, my years with sighing and sadness. Because of all these troubles, I have no more strength. My inner being is so weak and frail. My enemies say, “You are nothing!” Even my friends and neighbors hold me in contempt! They dread seeing me, and they look the other way when I pass by. I am totally forgotten, buried away like a dead man, discarded like a broken dish thrown in the trash. I overheard their whispered threats, the slander of my enemies. I’m terrified as they plot and scheme to take my life. I’m desperate, Lord! I throw myself upon you, for you alone are my God! My life, my every moment, my destiny—it’s all in your hands. So I know you can deliver me from those who persecute me relentlessly. Smile on me, your servant. Let your undying love and glorious grace save me from all this gloom. As I call upon you, let my shame and disgrace be replaced by your favor once again. But let shame and disgrace fall instead upon the wicked— those going to their own doom, drifting down in silence to the dust of death. At last their lying lips will be muted in their graves. For they are arrogant, filled with contempt and conceit as they speak against the godly. Lord, how wonderful you are! You have stored up so many good things for us, like a treasure chest heaped up and spilling over with blessings— all for those who honor and worship you! Everybody knows what you can do for those who turn and hide themselves in you. So hide all your beloved ones in the sheltered, secret place before your face. Overshadow them with your glory-presence. Keep them from these accusations, the brutal insults of evil men. Tuck them safely away in the tabernacle where you dwell. The name of the Lord is blessed and lifted high! For his marvelous miracle of mercy protected me when I was overwhelmed by my enemies. I spoke hastily when I said, “The Lord has deserted me.” For in truth, you did hear my prayer and came to rescue me. Listen to me, all you godly ones: Love the Lord with passion! The Lord protects and preserves all those who are loyal to him. But he pays back in full all those who reject him in their pride. So cheer up! Take courage, all you who love him. Wait for him to break through for you, all who trust in him!
32. Psalm 32 (NLT)
What bliss belongs to the one whose rebellion has been forgiven, those whose sins are covered by blood. What bliss belongs to those who have confessed their corruption to God! For he wipes their slates clean and removes hypocrisy from their hearts. Before I confessed my sins, I kept it all inside; my dishonesty devastated my inner life, causing my life to be filled with frustration, irrepressible anguish, and misery. The pain never let up, for your hand of conviction was heavy on my heart. My strength was sapped, my inner life dried up like a spiritual drought within my soul. Pause in his presence Then I finally admitted to you all my sins, refusing to hide them any longer. I said, “My life-giving God, I will openly acknowledge my evil actions.” And you forgave me! All at once the guilt of my sin washed away and all my pain disappeared! Pause in his presence This is what I’ve learned through it all: All believers should confess their sins to God; do it every time God has uncovered you in the time of exposing. For if you do this, when sudden storms of life overwhelm, you’ll be kept safe. Lord, you are my secret hiding place, protecting me from these troubles, surrounding me with songs of gladness! Your joyous shouts of rescue release my breakthrough. Pause in his presence -I hear the Lord saying, “I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide. So don’t make it difficult; don’t be stubborn when I take you where you’ve not been before. Don’t make me tug you and pull you along. Just come with me!” So my conclusion is this: Many are the sorrows and frustrations of those who don’t come clean with God. But when you trust in the Lord for forgiveness, his wraparound love will surround you. So celebrate the goodness of God! He shows this kindness to everyone who is his. Go ahead—shout for joy, all you upright ones who want to please him!
33. Psalm 33 (NLT)
It’s time to sing and shout for joy! Go ahead, all you redeemed ones, do it! Praise him with all you have, for praise looks lovely on the lips of God’s devoted lovers. Play the guitar as you lift your praises loaded with thanksgiving. Sing and make joyous music with all you’ve got inside. Compose new melodies that release new praises to the Lord. Play his praises on instruments with the anointing and skill he gives you. Sing and shout with passion; make a spectacular sound of joy— For God’s Word is something to sing about! He is true to his promises, his word can be trusted, and everything he does is reliable and right. The Lord loves seeing justice on the earth. Anywhere and everywhere you can find his faithful, unfailing love! All he had to do was speak by his Spirit-Wind command, and God created the heavenlies. Filled with galaxies and stars, the vast cosmos he wonderfully made. His voice scooped out the seas. The ocean depths he poured into vast reservoirs. With breathtaking wonder, let everyone worship Yahweh, this awe-inspiring Creator. He breathed words and worlds were birthed. “Let there be,” and there it was— springing forth the moment he spoke, no sooner said than done! With his breath he scatters the schemes of nations who oppose him; they will never succeed. His destiny-plan for the earth stands sure. His forever-plan remains in place and will never fail. Blessed and prosperous is that nation who has God as their Lord! They will be the people he has chosen for his own. -The Lord looks over us from where he rules in heaven. Gazing into every heart from his lofty dwelling place, he observes all the peoples of the earth. The Creator of our hearts considers and examines everything we do. Even if a king had the best-equipped army, it would never be enough to save him. Even if the best warrior went to battle, he could not be saved simply by his strength alone. Human strength and the weapons of man are false hopes for victory; they may seem mighty, but they will always disappoint. The eyes of the Lord are upon even the weakest worshipers who love him— those who wait in hope and expectation for the strong, steady love of God. God will deliver them from death, even the certain death of famine, with no one to help. The Lord alone is our radiant hope and we trust in him with all our hearts. His wraparound presence will strengthen us. As we trust, we rejoice with an uncontained joy flowing from Yahweh! Let your love and steadfast kindness overshadow us continually, for we trust and we wait upon you!
34. Psalm 34 (NLT)
Lord! I’m bursting with joy over what you’ve done for me! My lips are full of perpetual praise. I’m boasting of you and all your works, so let all who are discouraged take heart. Join me, everyone! Let’s praise the Lord together. Let’s make him famous! Let’s make his name glorious to all. Listen to my testimony: I cried to God in my distress and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears! Gaze upon him, join your life with his, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again. When I had nothing, desperate and defeated, I cried out to the Lord and he heard me, bringing his miracle-deliverance when I needed it most. The angel of Yahweh stooped down to listen as I prayed, encircling me, empowering me, and showing me how to escape. He will do this for everyone who fears God. Drink deeply of the pleasures of this God. Experience for yourself the joyous mercies he gives to all who turn to hide themselves in him. Worship in awe and wonder, all you who’ve been made holy! For all who fear him will feast with plenty. Even the strong and the wealthy grow weak and hungry, but those who passionately pursue the Lord will never lack any good thing. Come, children of God, and listen to me. I’ll share the lesson I’ve learned of fearing the Lord: -Do you want to live a long, good life, enjoying the beauty that fills each day? Then never speak a lie or allow wicked words to come from your mouth. Keep turning your back on every sin, and make “peace” your life motto. Practice being at peace with everyone. The Lord sees all we do; he watches over his friends day and night. His godly ones receive the answers they seek whenever they cry out to him. But the Lord has made up his mind to oppose evildoers and to wipe out even the memory of them from the face of the earth. Yet when holy lovers of God cry out to him with all their hearts, the Lord will hear them and come to rescue them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to all whose hearts are crushed by pain, and he is always ready to restore the repentant one. Even when bad things happen to the good and godly ones, the Lord will save them and not let them be defeated by what they face. God will be your bodyguard to protect you when trouble is near. Not one bone will be broken. Evil will cause the death of the wicked, for they hate and persecute the devoted lovers of God. Make no mistake about it: God will hold them guilty and punish them; they will pay the penalty! But the Lord has paid for the freedom of his servants, and he will freely pardon those who love him. He will declare them free and innocent when they turn to hide themselves in him.
35. Psalm 35 (NLT)
O Lord, fight for me! Harass the hecklers; accuse my accusers. Fight those who fight against me. -Put on your armor, Lord; take up your shield and protect me. Rise up, mighty God! Grab your weapons of war and block the way of the wicked who come to fight me. Stand for me when they stand against me! Speak over my soul: “I am your strong Savior!” Humiliate those who seek my harm. Defeat them all! Frustrate their plans to defeat me and drive them back. Disgrace them all as they have devised their plans to disgrace me. Blow them away like dust in the wind, with the angel of Almighty God driving them back! Make the road in front of them nothing but slippery darkness, with the angel of Yahweh behind them, chasing them away! For though I did nothing wrong to them, they set a trap for me, wanting me to fail and fall. Surprise them with your ambush, Lord, and catch them in the very trap they set for me. Let them be the ones to fail and fall into destruction! Then my fears will dissolve into limitless joy; my whole being will overflow with gladness because of your mighty deliverance. Everything inside of me will shout it out: “There’s no one like you, Lord!” For look at how you protect the weak and helpless from the strong and heartless who oppress them. Part Two – David, a Witness They are malicious men, hostile witnesses of wrong. They rise up against me, accusers appearing out of nowhere. When I show them mercy, they bring me misery. I’m forsaken and forlorn, like a motherless child. I even prayed over them when they were sick. I was burdened and bowed low with fasting and interceded for their healing, and I didn’t stop praying. I grieved for them, heavyhearted, as though they were my dearest family members or my good friends who were sick, nearing death, needing prayer. But when I was the one who tripped up and stumbled, they came together to slander me, rejoicing in my time of trouble, tearing me to shreds with their lies and betrayal. These nameless ruffians, mocking me like godless fools at a feast— how they delight in throwing mud on my name. God, how long can you just stand there doing nothing? Now is the time to act. Rescue me from these brutal men, for I am being torn to shreds by these beasts who are out to get me. Save me from their rage, their cruel grasp. Then I will praise you wherever I go. And when everyone gathers for worship, I will lift up your praise with a shout in front of the largest crowd I can find! Part Three – David, a Worshiper Don’t let those who fight me for no reason be victorious. Don’t let them succeed, these heartless haters who come against me with their gloating sneers. They are the ones who would never seek peace as friends, for they are ever devising deceit against the innocent ones who mind their own business. They open their mouths with ugly grins, gloating with glee over my every fault. “Look,” they say, “we caught him red-handed! We saw him fall with our own eyes!” Yahweh, my caring God, you have been there all along. You have seen their hypocrisy. Yahweh, don’t let them get away with this. Don’t walk away without doing something. Now is the time to awake! Rise up, Lord! Vindicate me, my Lord and my God! You have every right to judge me, Lord, according to your righteousness, but don’t let them rejoice over me when I stumble. -Let them all be ashamed of themselves, humiliated when they rejoice over my every blunder. Shame them, Lord, when they say, “We saw what he did. Now we have him right where we want him. Let’s get him while he’s down!” Make them look ridiculous when they exalt themselves over me. May they all be disgraced and dishonored! But let all my true friends shout for joy, all those who know and love what I do for you. Let them all say, “The Lord is great, and he delights in the prosperity of his servant.” Then I won’t be able to hold it in— everyone will hear my joyous praises all day long! Your righteousness will be the theme of my glory-song of praise!
36. Psalm 36 (NLT)
A poetic song by King David, the servant of the Lord The rebellion of sin speaks as an oracle of God, speaking deeply to the conscience of wicked men. Yet they are still eager to sin, for the fear of God is not before their eyes. See how they flatter themselves, unable to detect and detest their sins. They are crooked and conceited, convinced they can get away with anything. Their wicked words are nothing but lies. Wisdom is far from them. Goodness is both forgotten and forsaken. They lie awake at night to hatch their evil plots, always planning their schemes of darkness, and never once do they consider the evil of their ways. But you, O Lord, your mercy-seat love is limitless, reaching higher than the highest heavens. Your great faithfulness is infinite, stretching over the whole earth. Your righteousness is unmovable, just like the mighty mountains. Your judgments are as full of wisdom as the oceans are full of water. Your tender care and kindness leave no one forgotten, not a man or even a mouse. O God, how extravagant is your cherishing love! All mankind can find a hiding place under the shadow of your wings. All may drink of the anointing from the abundance of your house. All may drink their fill from the rivers of Eden. The fountain of life flows from you to satisfy me. In your light of holiness we receive the light of revelation. Lord, keep pouring out your unfailing love on those who are near you. Release more of your blessings to those who are loyal to you. Don’t let these proud boasters trample me down; don’t let them push me around by the sheer strength of their wickedness. There they lie in the dirt, these evil ones, thrown down to the ground, never to arise again!
37. Psalm 37 (NLT)
Don’t follow after the wicked ones or be jealous of their wealth. Don’t think for a moment they’re better off than you. They and their short-lived success will soon shrivel up and quickly fade away, like grass clippings in the hot sun. Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes. Fix your heart on the promises of God, and you will dwell in the land, feasting on his faithfulness. Find your delight and true pleasure in Yahweh, and he will give you what you desire the most. Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly! He will appear as your righteousness, as sure as the dawning of a new day. He will manifest as your justice, as sure and strong as the noonday sun. Quiet your heart in his presence and wait patiently for Yahweh. And don’t think for a moment that the wicked, in their prosperity, are better off than you. Stay away from anger and revenge. Keep envy far from you, for it only leads you into lies. For one day the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will inherit the land. Just a little while longer and the ungodly will vanish; you will look for them in vain. But the humble of heart will inherit every promise and enjoy abundant peace. Let the wicked keep plotting against the godly with all their sneers and arrogant jeers. God laughs at the wicked and their plans, for he knows their day is coming! Evil ones take aim at the poor and helpless; they are ready to slaughter those who do right. But the Lord will turn all their weapons of wickedness back on themselves, piercing their pride-filled hearts until they are helpless. It is much better to have little combined with much of God than to have the fabulous wealth of the wicked and nothing else. For the Lord takes care of all his forgiven ones while the strength of evil men will surely slip away. Day by day the Lord watches the good deeds of the godly, and he prepares for them his forever-reward. Even in a time of disaster he will watch over them, and they will always have more than enough no matter what happens. All the enemies of God will perish. For the wicked have only a momentary value, a fading glory. Then one day they vanish! Here today, gone tomorrow. They break their promises, borrowing money but never paying it back. The good man returns what he owes with some extra besides. Yahweh’s blessed ones receive the land, but the cursed ones will be cut off with nothing to show for themselves. When Yahweh delights in how you live your life, he establishes your every step. If they stumble badly they will still survive, for the Lord lifts them up with his hands. I was once inexperienced, but now I’m old. Not once have I found a lover of God forsaken by him, nor have any of their children gone hungry. Instead, I’ve found the godly ones to be the generous ones who give freely to others. Their children are blessed and become a blessing. If you truly want to dwell forever in God’s presence, forsake evil and do what is right in his eyes. The Lord loves it when he sees us walking in his justice. He will never desert his devoted lovers; they will be kept forever in his faithful care, but the descendants of the wicked will be banished. The faithful lovers of God will inherit the earth and enjoy every promise of God’s care, dwelling in peace forever. God-lovers make the best counselors. Their words possess wisdom and are right and trustworthy. The ways of God are in their hearts and they won’t swerve from the paths of steadfast righteousness. Evil ones spy on the godly ones, stalking them to find something they could use to accuse them. They’re out for the kill! But God will foil all their plots. The godly will not stand condemned when brought to trial. So don’t be impatient for Yahweh to act; keep moving forward steadily in his ways, and he will exalt you to possess the land. You’ll watch with your own eyes and see the wicked lose everything. I’ve already seen this happen. Once I saw a wicked and violent man overpower all who were around him, a domineering tyrant with his prideful and oppressive ways. Then he died and was forgotten. Now no one cares that he is gone forever. But you can tell who are the blameless and spiritually mature. What a different story with them! The godly ones will have a peaceful, prosperous future with a happy ending. Every evil sinner will be destroyed, obliterated. They’ll be utter failures with no future! But the Lord will be the Savior of all who love him. Even in their time of trouble, God will live in them as strength. Because of their faith in him, their daily portion will be a Father’s help and deliverance from evil. This is true for all who turn to hide themselves in him!
38. Psalm 38 (NLT)
d O Lord, don’t punish me angrily for what I’ve done. Don’t let my sin inflame your wrath against me. For the arrows of your conviction have pierced me deeply. Your blows have struck my soul and crushed me. Now my body is sick. My health is totally broken because of your anger, and it’s all due to my sins! I’m overwhelmed, swamped, and submerged beneath the heavy burden of my guilt. It clings to me and won’t let me go. My rotting wounds are a witness against me. They are severe and getting worse, reminding me of my failure and folly. I am completely broken because of what I’ve done. Gloom is all around me. My sins have bent me over to the ground. -My inner being is shriveled up; my self-confidence crushed. Sick with fever, I’m left exhausted. Now I’m as cold as a corpse, and nothing is left inside me but great groaning filled with anguish. Lord, you know all my desires and deepest longings. My tears are liquid words, and you can read them all. -My heart beats wildly, my strength is sapped, and the light of my eyes is going out. My friends stay far away from me, avoiding me like the plague. Even my family wants nothing to do with me. Meanwhile my enemies are out to kill me, plotting my ruin, speaking of my doom as they spend every waking moment planning how to finish me off. -I’m like a deaf man who no longer hears. I can’t even speak up, and words fail me; I have no argument to counter their threats. Lord, the only thing I can do is wait and put my hope in you. I wait for your help, my God. So hear my cry and put an end to their strutting in pride, to those who gloat when I stumble in pain. I’m slipping away and on the verge of a breakdown, with nothing but sorrow and sighing. I confess all my sin to you; I can’t hold it in any longer. My agonizing thoughts punish me for my wrongdoing; I feel condemned as I consider all I’ve done. My enemies are many. They hate me and persecute me, though I’ve done nothing against them to deserve it. I show goodness to them and get paid evil in return. And they hate me even more when I stand for what is right. So don’t forsake me now, Lord! Don’t leave me in this condition. God, hurry to help me. Run to my rescue! For you’re my Savior and my only hope!
39. Psalm 39 (NLT)
-Here’s my life motto, the truth I live by: I will guard my ways for all my days. I will speak only what is right, guarding what I speak. Like a watchman guards against an attack of the enemy, I’ll guard and muzzle my mouth when the wicked are around me. I will remain silent and will not grumble or speak out of my disappointment. But the longer I’m silent, the more my pain grows worse! -My heart burned with a fire within me, and my thoughts eventually boiled over until they finally came rolling out of my mouth: “Lord, help me to know how fleeting my time on earth is. Help me to know how limited is my life and that I’m only here but for a moment more. What a brief time you’ve given me to live! Compared to you my lifetime is nothing at all! Nothing more than a puff of air—I’m gone so swiftly. So too are the grandest of men; they are nothing but a fleeting shadow!” Pause in his presence We live our lives like those living in shadows. All our activities and energies are spent for things that pass away. We gather, we hoard, we cling to our things, only to leave them all behind for who knows who. And now, God, I’m left with one conclusion: my only hope is to hope in you alone! Save me from being overpowered by my sin; don’t make me a disgrace before the degenerate. Lord, I’m left speechless and I have no excuse, so I’ll not complain any longer. Now I know you’re the one who is behind it all. But I can’t take it much longer. Spare me these blows from your discipline-rod. For if you are against me, I will waste away to nothing. No one endures when you rebuke and discipline us for our sins. Like a cobweb is swept away with a wave of the hand, you sweep away all that we once called dear. How fleeting and frail our lives! We’re nothing more than a puff of air. Pause in his presence Lord, listen to all my tender cries. Read my every tear, like liquid words that plead for your help. I feel all alone at times, like a stranger to you, passing through this life just like all those before me. Don’t let me die without restoring joy and gladness to my soul. May your frown over my failure become a smile over my success.
40. Psalm 40 (NLT)
I waited and waited and waited some more, patiently, knowing God would come through for me. Then, at last, he bent down and listened to my cry. He stooped down to lift me out of danger from the desolate pit I was in, out of the muddy mess I had fallen into. Now he’s lifted me up into a firm, secure place and steadied me while I walk along his ascending path. A new song for a new day rises up in me every time I think about how he breaks through for me! Ecstatic praise pours out of my mouth until everyone hears how God has set me free. Many will see his miracles; they’ll stand in awe of God and fall in love with him! Blessing after blessing comes to those who love and trust the Lord. They will not fall away, for they refuse to listen to the lies of the proud. O Lord, our God, no one can compare with you. Such wonderful works and miracles are all found with you! And you think of us all the time with your countless expressions of love— far exceeding our expectations! It’s not sacrifices that really move your heart. Burnt offerings, sin offerings—those aren’t what bring you joy. But when you open my ears and speak to me, I become your willing servant, your prisoner of love for life. So I said, “Here I am! I’m coming to you as a sacrifice, for in the prophetic scrolls of your book you have written about me. I delight to fulfill your will, my God, for your living words are written upon the pages of my heart.” I tell everyone everywhere the truth of your righteousness. And you know I haven’t held back in telling the message to all. I don’t keep it a secret or hide the truth. I preach of your faithfulness and kindness, proclaiming your extravagant love to the largest crowd I can find! So Lord, don’t hold back your love or withhold your tender mercies from me. Keep me in your truth and let your compassion overflow to me no matter what I face. Evil surrounds me; problems greater than I can solve come one after another. Without you, I know I can’t make it. My sins are so many! I’m so ashamed to lift my face to you. For my guilt grabs me and stings my soul until I am weakened and spent. Please, Lord! Come quickly and rescue me! Take pleasure in showing me your favor and restore me. Let all who seek my life be humiliated! Let them be confused and ashamed, God. Scatter those who wish me evil; they just want me dead. Scoff at every scoffer and cause them all to be utter failures. Let them be ashamed and horrified by their complete defeat. But let all who passionately seek you erupt with excitement and joy over what you’ve done! Let all your devoted lovers rejoice continually in the Savior, saying, “How great and glorious is our God!” Lord, in my place of weakness and need, I ask again: Will you come and help me? I know I’m always in your thoughts. You are my true Savior and hero, so don’t delay to deliver me now, for you are my God.
41. Psalm 41 (NLT)
e God always blesses those who are kind to the poor and helpless. They’re the first ones God helps when they find themselves in any trouble. The Lord will preserve and protect them. They’ll be honored and esteemed while their enemies are defeated. When they are sick, lying upon their bed of suffering, God will restore them. He will raise them up again and restore them back to health. So in my sickness I say to you, “Lord, be my kind healer. Heal my body and soul; heal me, God! For I have confessed my sins to you.” But those who hate me wish the worst for me, saying, “When will he die and be forgotten?” And when these “friends” come to visit me with their pious sympathy and their hollow words and with hypocrisy hidden in their hearts, I can see right through it all. For they come merely to gather gossip about me, using all they find to mock me with malicious hearts of slander. They are wicked whisperers who imagine the worst for me, repeating their rumors, saying, “He got what he deserved; it’s over for him! The spirit of infirmity is upon him, and he’ll never get over this illness.” Even my ally, my friend, has turned against me. He was one I totally trusted with my life, sharing supper with him, and now he shows me nothing but betrayal and treachery. He has sold me as an enemy. So Lord, please don’t desert me when I need you! Give me grace and get me back on my feet so I can triumph over them all. Then I’ll know you’re pleased with me when you allow me to taste victory over all my foes. Now stand up for me and don’t let me fall, for I’ve walked with integrity. Keep me before your face forever. Everyone praise the Lord God of Israel, always and forever! For he is from eternity past and will remain for the eternity to come. That’s the way it will be forever. Faithful is our King! Amen!
42. Psalm 42 (NLT)
I long to drink of you, O God, to drink deeply from the streams of pleasure flowing from your presence. My longings overwhelm me for more of you! My soul thirsts, pants, and longs for the living God. I want to come and see the face of God. Day and night my tears keep falling and my heart keeps crying for your help, while my enemies mock me over and over, saying, “Where is this God of yours? Why doesn’t he help you?” So I speak over my heartbroken soul, “Take courage. Remember when you used to be right out front leading the procession of praise when the great crowd of worshipers gathered to go into the presence of the Lord? You shouted with joy as the sound of passionate celebration filled the air and the joyous multitude of lovers honored the feast of the Lord!” So then, my soul, why would you be depressed? Why would you sink into despair? Just keep hoping and waiting on God, your Savior. For no matter what, I will still sing with praise, for you are my saving grace! Here I am depressed and downcast. Yet I will still remember you as I ponder the place where your glory streams down from the mighty mountaintops, lofty and majestic—the mountains of your awesome presence. My deep need calls out to the deep kindness of your love. Your waterfall of weeping sent waves of sorrow over my soul, carrying me away, cascading over me like a thundering cataract. All through the day Yahweh has commanded his endless love to pour over me. Through the night I sing his songs and my praises to the living God. I will say to God, “You are my mountain of strength; how could you forget me? Why must I suffer this vile oppression of my enemies— these heartless tormentors who are out to kill me?” Their wounding words pierce my heart over and over while they say, “Where is this God of yours?” So I say to my soul, “Don’t be discouraged. Don’t be disturbed. For I know my God will break through for me.” Then I’ll have plenty of reasons to praise him all over again. Yes, he is my saving grace!
43. Psalm 43 (NLT)
God, clear my name. Plead my case against the unjust charges of these ungodly workers of wickedness. Deliver me from these lying degenerates. For you are where my strength comes from and my protector, so why would you leave me now? Must I be covered with gloom while the enemy comes after me, gloating with glee? Pour into me the brightness of your daybreak! Pour into me your rays of revelation-truth! Let them comfort and gently lead me onto the shining path, showing the way into your burning presence, into your many sanctuaries of holiness. Then I will come closer to your very altar until I come before you, the God of my ecstatic joy! I will praise you with the harp that plays in my heart to you, my God, my magnificent God! Then I will say to my soul, “Don’t be discouraged; don’t be disturbed, for I fully expect my Savior-God to break through for me. Then I’ll have plenty of reasons to praise him all over again.” Yes, he is my saving grace!
44. Psalm 44 (NLT)
-God, we’ve heard about all the glorious miracles you’ve done for our ancestors in days gone by. They told us about the ancient times, how by your power you drove out the ungodly nations from this land, crushing all their strongholds and giving the land to us. Now the people of Israel cover the land from one end to the other, all because of your grace and power! Our forefathers didn’t take the land by their own strength or their own skill or strategy. But it was through the shining forth of your radiant presence and the display of your mighty power. You loved to give them victory, for you took great delight in them. You are my God, my King! It’s now time to decree majesties for Jacob! Through your glorious name and your awesome power, we can push through to any victory and defeat every enemy. For I will not trust in the weapons of the world; I know they will never save me. Only you will be our Savior from all our enemies. All those who hate us you have brought to shame. So now I constantly boast in you. I can never thank you enough! Pause in his presence The Present But you have turned your back on us; you walked off and left us! You’ve rejected us, tossing us aside in humiliating shame. You don’t go before us anymore in our battles. We retreat before our enemies in defeat, for you are no longer helping us. Those who hate us have invaded our land and plundered our people. You have treated us like sheep in the slaughter pen, ready to be butchered. You’ve scattered us to the four winds. You have sold us as slaves for nothing! You have counted us, your precious ones, as worthless. You have caused our neighbors to despise and scorn us. All those around us mock and curse us. You have made us the butt of their jokes. Disliked by all, we are the laughingstock of the people. -There’s no escape from this constant curse, this humiliation! We are despised, jeered, overwhelmed by shame, and overcome at every turn by our hateful and heartless enemies. Despite all of this, we have not forgotten you; we have not broken covenant with you. We have not betrayed you; our hearts are still yours. Our steps have not strayed from your path. Yet you have crushed us, leaving us in this wilderness place of misery and desperation. With nowhere else to turn, death’s dark door seems to be the only way out. -If we had forsaken your holy name, wouldn’t you know it? You’d be right in leaving us. If we had worshiped before other gods, no one would blame you for punishing us. God, you know our every heart-secret. You know we still want you! Because of you we face death threats every day. Like martyrs we are dying daily. We are seen as lambs lined up to be slaughtered as sacrifices. The Future So wake up, Lord God! Why would you sleep when we’re in trouble? Are you forsaking us forever? You can’t hide your face any longer from us! How could you forget our agonizing sorrow? Now we lay facedown, sinking into the dust of death, the quicksand of the grave. Arise, awake, and come to help us, O Lord. Let your unfailing love save us from this sorrow!
45. Psalm 45 (NLT)
My heart is on fire, boiling over with passion. Bubbling up within me are these beautiful lyrics as a lovely poem to be sung for the King. Like a river bursting its banks, I’m overflowing with words, spilling out into this sacred story. His Royal Majesty Beautiful! Beautiful! Beyond the sons of men! Elegant grace pours out through every word you speak. Truly God has anointed you, his favored one, for eternity! Now strap your lightning-sword of judgment upon your side, O mighty warrior, so majestic! You are full of beauty and splendor as you go out to war! In your glory and grandeur go forth in victory! Through your faithfulness and meekness the cause of truth and justice will stand. Awe-inspiring miracles are accomplished by your power, leaving everyone dazed and astonished! Your wounding leaves men’s hearts defeated as they fall before you broken. Your glory-kingdom, O God, endures forever, for you are enthroned to rule with a justice-scepter in your hand! You are passionate for righteousness, and you hate lawlessness. This is why God, your God, crowns you with bliss above your fellow kings. He has anointed you, more than any other, with his oil of fervent joy, the very fragrance of heaven’s gladness. Your royal robes release the scent of suffering love for your bride; the odor of aromatic incense is upon you. From the pure and shining place, lovely music that makes you glad is played for your pleasure. Her Royal Majesty The daughters of kings, women of honor, are maidens in your courts. And standing beside you, glistening in your pure and golden glory, is the beautiful bride-to-be! Now listen, daughter, pay attention, and forget about your past. Put behind you every attachment to the familiar, even those who once were close to you! For your royal Bridegroom is ravished by your beautiful brightness. Bow in reverence before him, for he is your Lord! Wedding presents pour in from those of great wealth. The royal friends of the Bridegroom shower you with gifts. As the princess-bride enters the palace, how glorious she appears within the holy chamber, robed with a wedding dress embroidered with pure gold! Lovely and stunning, she leads the procession with all her bridesmaids as they come before you, her Bridegroom-King. What a grand, majestic entrance! A joyful, glad procession as they enter the palace gates! Your many sons will one day be kings, just like their Father. They will sit on royal thrones all around the world. I will make sure the fame of your name is honored in every generation, as all the people praise you, giving you thanks forever and ever!
46. Psalm 46 (NLT)
God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge! You’re a proven help in time of trouble— more than enough and always available whenever I need you. So we will never fear even if every structure of support were to crumble away. We will not fear even when the earth quakes and shakes, moving mountains and casting them into the sea. For the raging roar of stormy winds and crashing waves cannot erode our faith in you. Pause in his presence God has a constantly flowing river whose sparkling streams bring joy and delight to his people. His river flows right through the city of God Most High, into his holy dwelling places. God is in the midst of his city, secure and never shaken. At daybreak his help will be seen with the appearing of the dawn. When the nations are in uproar with their tottering kingdoms, God simply raises his voice, and the earth begins to disintegrate before him. Here he comes! The Commander! The mighty Lord of Angel Armies is on our side! The God of Jacob fights for us! Pause in his presence -Everyone look! Come and see the breathtaking wonders of our God. For he brings both ruin and revival. He’s the one who makes conflicts end throughout the earth, breaking and burning every weapon of war. Surrender your anxiety. Be still and realize that I am God. I am God above all the nations, and I am exalted throughout the whole earth. Here he stands! The Commander! The mighty Lord of Angel Armies is on our side! The God of Jacob fights for us!
47. Psalm 47 (NLT)
Go ahead and celebrate! Come on and clap your hands, everyone! Shout to God with the raucous sounds of joy! The Lord God Most High is astonishing, awesome beyond words! He’s the formidable and powerful King over all the earth. He’s the one who conquered the nations before us and placed them all under our feet. He’s marked out our inheritance ahead of time, putting us in the front of the line, honoring Jacob, the one he loves. Pause in his presence God arises with the earsplitting shout of his people! God goes up with a trumpet blast! Sing and celebrate! Sing some more, celebrate some more! Sing your highest song of praise to our King! For God is the triumphant King; all the powers of the earth are his. So sing your celebration songs of highest praise to the glorious Enlightened One! Our God reigns over every nation. He reigns on his holy throne over all. All the nobles and princes, the loving servants of the God of Abraham, they all gather to worship. Every warrior’s shield is now lowered as surrendered trophies before this King. He has taken his throne, high and lofty, exalted over all!
48. Psalm 48 (NLT)
There are so many reasons to describe God as wonderful! So many reasons to praise him with unlimited praise! Zion-City is his home; he lives on his holy mountain— high and glorious, joy-filled and favored. Zion-Mountain looms in the farthest reaches of the north, the city of our incomparable King! This is his divine abode, an impenetrable citadel, for he is known to dwell in the highest place. -See how the mighty kings united to come against Zion, yet when they saw God manifest in front of their eyes, they were stunned. Trembling, they all fled away, gripped with fear. Seized with panic, they doubled up in frightful anguish, like a woman in the labor pains of childbirth. Like a hurricane blowing and breaking the invading ships, God blows upon them and breaks them to pieces. We have heard about these wonders, and then we saw them with our own eyes. For this is the city of the Commander of Angel Armies, the city of our God, safe and secure forever! Pause in his presence Lord, as we worship you in your temple, we recall over and over your kindness to us and your unending love. The fame of your name echoes throughout the entire world, accompanied with praises. Your right hand is full of victory. So let the people of Zion rejoice with gladness; let the daughters of praise leap for joy! For God will see to it that you are judged fairly. -Circle Zion; count her towers. Consider her walls, climb her palaces, and then go and tell the coming generation of the care and compassion of our God. Yes, this is our God, our great God forever. He will lead us onward until the end, through all time, beyond death, and into eternity!
49. Psalm 49 (NLT)
-Listen, one and all! Both rich and poor together, all over the world— everyone listen to what I have to say! For wisdom will come from my mouth; words of insight and understanding will be heard from the musings of my heart. I will break open mysteries with my music, and my song will release riddles solved. There’s no reason to fear when troubling times come, even when you’re surrounded with problems and persecutors who chase at your heels. -They trust in their treasures and boast in their riches, yet not one of them, though rich as a king, could rescue his own brother from the guilt of his sins. No one could give God the ransom price for the soul of another, let alone for himself. -A soul’s redemption is too costly and precious for anyone to pay with earthly wealth. The price to pay is never enough to purchase eternal life for even one, to keep them out of hell. -The brightest and best, along with the foolish and senseless, God sees that they all will die one day, leaving their houses and wealth to others. Even though they name streets and lands after themselves, hoping to have their memory endure beyond the grave, becoming legends in their own minds, their home address is now the cemetery! The honor of man is short-lived and fleeting. There’s little difference between man and beast, for both will one day perish. Such is the path of foolish men and those who quote everything they say, for they are here today and gone tomorrow! Pause in his presence A shepherd called “Death” herds them, leading them straight to hell like mindless sheep. Yet at daybreak you will find the righteous ruling in their place. Every trace of them will be gone forever, with all their “glory” lost in the darkness of their doom. But I know the loving God will redeem my soul, raising me up from the dark power of death, taking me as his bridal partner. Pause in his presence So don’t be disturbed when you see the rich surround you with the “glory” of their wealth on full display. For when they die, they will carry nothing with them, and their riches will not follow them beyond the grave. -Though they have the greatest rewards of this world and all applaud them for their accomplishments, they will follow those who have gone before them and go straight into the realm of darkness, where they will never ever see the light again. So this is the way of mortal man— honored for a moment, yet without eternal insight, like a beast that will one day perish.
50. Psalm 50 (NLT)
The God of gods, the mighty Lord himself, has spoken! He shouts out over all the people of the earth in every brilliant sunrise and every beautiful sunset, saying, “Listen to me!” God’s glory-light shines out of the Zion-realm with the radiance of perfect beauty. With the rumble of thunder he approaches; he will not be silent, for he comes with an earsplitting sound! All around him are furious flames of fire, and preceding him is the dazzling blaze of his glory. Here he comes to judge his people! He summons his court with heaven and earth as his jury, saying, “Gather all my devoted lovers, my godly ones whose hearts are one with me— those who have entered into my holy covenant by sacrifices upon the altar.” And the heavens declare his justice: “God himself will be their judge, and he will judge them with righteousness!” Pause in his presence “Listen to me, O my people! Listen well, for I am your God! I am bringing you to trial, and here are my charges. I do not rebuke you for your sacrifices, which you continually bring to my altar. Do I need your young bulls or goats from your fields as if I were hungry? -Every animal of field and forest belongs to me, the Creator. I know every movement of the birds in the sky, and every animal of the field is in my thoughts. The entire world and everything it contains is mine. -If I were hungry, do you think I would tell you? For all that I have created, the fullness of the earth, is mine. Am I fed by your sacrifices? Of course not! Why don’t you bring me the sacrifices I desire? Bring me your true and sincere thanks, and show your gratitude by keeping your promises to me, the Most High. Honor me by trusting in me in your day of trouble. Cry aloud to me, and I will be there to rescue you. And now I speak to the wicked. Listen to what I have to say to you! What right do you have to presume to speak for me and claim my covenant promises as yours? For you have hated my instruction and disregarded my words, throwing them away as worthless! You forget to condemn the thief or adulterer. You are their friend, running alongside them into darkness. -The sins of your mouth multiply evil. You have a lifestyle of lies; you are devoted to deceit as you speak against others, even slandering those of your own household! All this you have done and I kept silent, so you thought that I was just like you, sanctioning evil. But now I will bring you to my courtroom and spell out clearly my charges before you. This is your last chance, my final warning. Your time is up! Turn away from all this evil, or the next time you hear from me will be when I am coming to pass judgment upon you. I will snatch you away, and no one will be there to help you escape my judgment. The life that pleases me is a life lived in the gratitude of grace, always choosing to walk with me in what is right. This is the sacrifice I desire from you. If you do this, more of my salvation will unfold for you.”
51. Psalm 51 (NLT)
a David’s Confession -God, give me mercy from your fountain of forgiveness! I know your abundant love is enough to wash away my guilt. Because your compassion is so great, take away this shameful guilt of sin. Forgive the full extent of my rebellious ways, and erase this deep stain on my conscience. -For I’m so ashamed. I feel such pain and anguish within me. I can’t get away from the sting of my sin against you, Lord! Everything I did, I did right in front of you, for you saw it all. Against you, and you above all, have I sinned. Everything you say to me is infallibly true and your judgment conquers me. Lord, I have been a sinner from birth, from the moment my mother conceived me. I know that you delight to set your truth deep in my spirit. So come into the hidden places of my heart and teach me wisdom. David’s Cleansing Purify my conscience! Make this leper clean again! Wash me in your love until I am pure in heart. Satisfy me in your sweetness, and my song of joy will return. The places you have crushed within me will rejoice in your healing touch. Hide my sins from your face; erase all my guilt by your saving grace. Keep creating in me a clean heart. Fill me with pure thoughts and holy desires, ready to please you. May you never reject me! May you never take from me your sacred Spirit! David’s Consecration Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough you bring to me. Hold me close to you with a willing spirit that obeys whatever you say. Then I can show other guilty ones how loving and merciful you are. They will find their way back home to you, knowing that you will forgive them. O God, my saving God, deliver me fully from every sin, even the sin that brought bloodguilt. Then my heart will once again be thrilled to sing the passionate songs of joy and deliverance! Lord God, unlock my heart, unlock my lips, and I will overcome with my joyous praise! For the source of your pleasure is not in my performance or the sacrifices I might offer to you. The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you. You will not despise my tenderness as I bow down humbly at your feet. Because you favor Zion, do what is good for her. Be the protecting wall around Jerusalem. And when we are fully restored, you will rejoice and take delight in every offering of our lives as we bring our sacrifices of righteousness before you in love!

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